Usage of CAD Models for UE4 Project
we're using a D435i in a project for which we generate initial simulation data in Unreal Engine 4. This data is supposed to represent image data as later generated with the real D435i in reality. For this we would like to use the released CAD files of the D435 / D435i.
If possible, we would also like to publish this UE4 representation as part of our simulation.
What are the licenses for the CAD files or can you tell me who I should contact for this request?
If requested by the community, we would gladly also publish the D435 representation as a standalone UE4-Node.
Kind Regards,
Hi Fgoldau As far as I am aware there are no license conditions attached to the CAD files and there are no licensing notes accompanying the files.
Intel RealSense Help Center team member Zulkifli Halim may be able to confirm this officially for you.
Hi Fgoldau,
These are the available CAD files for the Intel® RealSense™ cameras:
I hope this helps.Sincerely,
Hi Zulkifli Halim,
thanks for the quick reply. I had found the CAD files previously, my question was just regarding the license sitation with these files.
Specifically, whether we are allowed to include a derived model in an open-source Unreal Engine 4 project?
Sorry for the confusion, I hope this clarifies my question.
Hi Fgoldau,
Sorry for the misinterpretation, I'm checking out whether you need a citation for the files or not and will get back to you soon.
Hi Fgoldau,
As mentioned by Marty-G, the is no need for a license to use the CAD files for your project. Feel free to use it.
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