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Realsense D457 GMSL/FAKRA Interface



  • MartyG

    Hi Thermofluid06  The linked-to Intel de-serializer board product for use with the D457 camera model has the advantage of being able to be attached directly to an AGX Xavier computing board.  You can enquire about the purchase of this component by contacting the Intel RealSense sales team.


    You can though use other de-serializer products with the D457 as long as they contain Maxim de-serializer technology.  An example of this is Leopard Imaging products, as described at the link below.


    The D457 has a USB port for debugging purposes but it is not a USB plug and play camera like the other 400 Series models.  It requires use of a GMSL/FAKRA cable.  A 1000 mm / 1 meter cable is supplied with the camera.

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  • Thermofluid06

    Thanks for the reply. I am using D455 in ROS and would like to migrate to D457 for industrial application. As far as I understand, the Intel de-serializer board is ROS compatible and if stacked on the top of AGX Xavier, it is possible to stream data to ROS network. Do you know if the Leopard Imaging products also works in ROS? 



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  • MartyG

    If you are using the RealSense ROS wrapper with your D455 then at the time of writing this the wrapper does not list official support for the D457 model, though a Pull Request (PR) has been created to add D457 support.


    I recommend contacting Leopard Imaging directly for questions about using their products with D457.

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  • Javier

     was planning to use the D457 model for a volumetric measurement use-case in the construction industry.

    Any cost-effective way to work with the GMSL FAKRA interface? 

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  • MartyG

    Hi Javier  Intel recommend using the D457-compatible product by Connect Tech at the link below as a means of testing the D457, as their product has built-in support for D457 and does not require the purchase of a separate de-serializer board to decode the data.

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  • MartyG

    Hi Thermofluid06  I have received information from Intel that it is fine to use the D457 only in USB mode and it has the same USB performance and the same feature-set as the D455, with the added IP65 dust and water protection.  So it is absolutely valid to purchase the D457 for the protection and use it as a USB camera instead of in GMSL / FAKRA mode.

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