intel realsense 405
I want to get the window driver for realsense 405. my window does not detect the camera. The USB device is like this. any suggestion would be great.
The camera app does not show the Camera as the second one.
Hi Chantrapornchai Your Device Manager is correct and does not have a problem. The RealSense D405 camera model only has a Depth driver, whilst other 400 Series models have a pair of drivers (Depth and RGB). This is because the D405 does not have a separate RGB sensor and instead obtains RGB from its depth sensor.
The D405's RGB can be displayed by RealSense programs such as the RealSense Viewer tool but not in the non-RealSense Windows 'Camera' app.
Yes you can access RGB and depth at the same time with Python and OpenCV. An example of this is the project
To enable this project to work with D405, comment out the exit(0) instruction on line 35 to prevent the program from stopping when an RGB sensor is not detected.
If exit(0) has been commented out or removed then it should run but would still print the 'Demo requires depth camera with color sensor' message.
A RealSense user at the link below shared an adaptation of this script for D405 that completely removes the RGB sensor check.
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