D435i SLAM recommendation
Hi - I am new to RealSense and have basic coding experience. I want to get a robot to handle objects in it's environment. I can detect objects in Unity (with Vuforia) with D435i. However, I am not sure how to proceed on SLAM. I am not so concerned about mapping accuracy as I am concerned about integration (like with Unity, Vuforia, BetaFlight, etc.). I want a very basic pointcloud so my slow robot doesn't run into stuff. I saw these older posts:
What would be the best SLAM path for easy robotic integration? I'm open to move away from Unity if there's a better platform for SLAM. Any help would be appreciated!
If you are able to make use of ROS2 in your Unity project then Unity have an official example SLAM robotics project (though it is not specifically for RealSense cameras).
Alternatively, outside of Unity you could try a D435i-supported project for ORB-SLAM2
ORB-SLAM2 is compatible with D435 / D435i.
There is a Unity plugin for ORB-SLAM2 but it is very old now and may not work with modern Unity versions.
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