wrong values of angles in test app
I'm using your example C program from here https://dev.intelrealsense.com/docs/dimensional-weight-software-dws#section-8-example-code
I'm catching BOX_DETECTED event from _status_callback() func and debugging box array:
void* _status_callback(DWS_Severity severity, DWS_MessageCode code, const char* msg)
std::cout << "Severity: " << severity << ", Code: "<< code << ", " << msg << std::endl;
if (code == 11)
std::cout << "------- BOX_DETECTED ------------ " << std::endl;
But what SDK prints and I'm debugging are different angles:
and here is debugging plane angles array from Visual Studio:
Can I get the same values which SDK prints?
Thank you
Official comment
Hello Vns955,
The Intel_RealSense_DWS_v1.1.pdf defines the DWS_Box: planeAngles: 1x3 float array, representing averaged angle to that plane.
The DWS SDK outputs six Angles[0-5]. The mapping to the planeAngles from your DWS_box in Visual Studio is:
planeAngles[0] = Avg(DWS SDK Angle[3], [4])
planeAngles[1] = Avg(DWS SDK Angle[0], [5])
planeAngles[2] = Avg(DWS SDK Angle[1], [2])
Looking at DWS_Types.h and DWS_SDK.h, the SDK does not give access to the Angles[0-5] array other than what it prints out.
It took me a while to figure it out. :)
Jesus G.
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