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uvc streamer error on Odroid XU4



  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Samuel,

    How does the camera perform without using ROS?

    Does it shut down the same way when using RealSense Viewer to record the bag file?

    Does it behave normally while streaming normally in ROS without recording?

    Jesus G.
    Intel Customer Support


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  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Samuel,

    Do you still need help with this issue?

    Jesus G.
    Intel Customer Support

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  • Samuel Vc97
    Hello Jesus, 
    Yes, i still need help on this issue. I apologize for the long time to respond, i actually made a mistake and responded to you by e-mail.
    I can't answer those questions right now because when we tried to install the realsense viewer in the odroid XU4 it didn't work out, but when we installed it on a virtual machine runing the same operating system (ubuntu 18.04) it worked normally.
    Is there any way to install the realsense viewer on the odroid?
    Thank you very much.
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  • Munesh

    Hi Samuel,
    Please refer to Odroid installation to install librealsense on the Odroid.
    Please note that Intel does not officially support the Odroid line of devices. Furthermore, there are several known issues with running librealsense on Odroid.


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  • Samuel Vc97

    Hello Munesh, 

    I Intalled the SDK following the instructions detailed on Odroid installation and it completed succesfully. However when i try to launch the viewer with realsense-viewer i get the error "command not found". Should the Odroid installation include the realsense viewer or do i need to follow extra steps to install it?

    Also the reported known issues do not include the uvc streamer error i get while recording.

    Thank you, 


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  • Munesh

    Hi Samuel,

    For the RealSense-Viewer error, it probably occurs due to missing .rules file. Can you please try the method suggested in the following GitHub thread comment?




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  • Samuel Vc97

    Hello Munesh,

    I will try to apply the method suggested to solve the missing .rules file issue and get back to you as soon as i have some results.

    Thank you,


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  • Samuel Vc97

    Hello, I followed the instructions detailed on the Github issue #1408 and copied the 99-realsense-libusb.rules file into the folder. However when i try to launch the realsense-viewer i get the same error has before.

    odroid@odroid:/etc/udev/rules.d$ ls
    10-odroid.rules 99-realsense-libusb.rules
    odroid@odroid:/etc/udev/rules.d$ realsense-viewer
    realsense-viewer: command not found

    Do i have to modify any of the .rules files or run extra steps for it to work on the Odroid?

    Thank you, 


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  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Samuel,

    We have some more suggestions for you.

    1. Due to the low power nature of Odroid, it may not deliver enough power to the camera. Try connecting your camera to a powered USB HUB. 
    2. Use examples/rs-hello-realsense to test
    3. Run scripts/
    4. After sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger do sudo modprobe uvcvideo
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  • Samuel Vc97

    Hello Jesus, 

    Thank you very much. I will try your suggestions in the following days and get back to you with the results.


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