Depth Camera does not work
Dear all.
Depth camera in my L515 has stopped working.
I upgraded the firmware to with SDK 2.42.0 a week ago.
As a result, my depth camera stopped working.
When I start RealSenmseViewer I get the following error:
Backend in rs2_set_option(options:0000020C607438A0, option:Sensor Mode,value:0):
hr returned: HResult 0x8007001f: "システムに接続されたデバイスが機能していません。"
The color camera and motion sensor work fine.
Please tell me the solution.
It's very troubled.
Thank you.
Official comment
Hello Kenji,
Based on your description and the fact that none of the troubleshooting steps helped, your camera is faulty and should be returned. We sent you specific instructions for returning your camera in a separate email.
Jesus G.
Intel Customer SupportComment actions -
Hello, Jesus
Thank you for your confirmation.
The OS I'm using is Windows 10.
I'm using the included USB cable that came in the box at the time of purchase.
I also tried connecting the USB with the opposite polarity. (One is recognized as USB3.2 and the other is recognized as USB2.1 by RealSenseViewer.)
In both cases, the results were exactly the same.I also tried these on another PC with Windows 10.
The result was exactly the same.Thank you.
Hello Kenji,
Please try to recover the firmware using the fw-update tool and the recovery flag.
rs-fw-update -r -f <desired firmware bin file>
Jesus G.
Intel Customer Support -
Hello Jesus.
Thank you for information.
I am very helpful because you respond quickly.
When I started RealSenseViewer this morning before running "rs-fw-update", yesterday's error disappeared.
But instead, the application says "No Frames Recieved!" on the screen when running depth camera.
The color camera and motion sensor work fine.
This often happened after previous firmware update. (>> I upgraded the firmware to with SDK 2.42.0 a week ago.)
Well, I ran "rs-fw-update".
The command ran successfully.
However, the above issues (it means "No Frames Recived!" error) continue to occur.
The environment is the same Windows10 as before.
Thank you.
Thank you for your support.
Additional Information.
I found that when I sent hardware reset command on RealSenseViewer, I got the following output when the camera restarted:
09:40:21 [Error] C:\jenkins_sys_rsbuild\workspace\LRS_windows_compile_pipeline\src\types.h:315 - MFCreateDeviceSource(_device_attrs, &_source) returned: HResult 0x80070003: "指定されたパスが見つかりません。"
09:40:21 [Error] C:\jenkins_sys_rsbuild\workspace\LRS_windows_compile_pipeline\src\sensor.cpp:526 - acquire_power failed: MFCreateDeviceSource(_device_attrs, &_source) returned: HResult 0x80070003: "指定されたパスが見つかりません。"
09:40:21 [Error] C:\jenkins_sys_rsbuild\workspace\LRS_windows_compile_pipeline\src\error-handling.cpp:76 - Error during polling error handler: MFCreateDeviceSource(_device_attrs, &_source) returned: HResult 0x80070003: "指定されたパスが見つかりません。"I check the Windows path according to "Modifying the registry manually" in Windows 10/8.1 - RealSense SDK 2.0 Build Guide, but I confirmed that it was correctly.
Thank you.
Hello Kenji,
Update your RealSense SDK to version 2.44.0 and try a firmware upgrade with RealSense Viewer. Be sure to insert the USB C cable in the orientation that results in the device being recognized as USB 3.2.
Jesus G.
Intel Customer Support -
Hello, Jesus.
Thank you for your answer.
I have upgraded the version of RealSense Viewer to 2.44.0, as you told me.
The RealSense Viewer and SDK upgrades have completed successfully.Then I tried upgrading the firmware on RealSense Viewer.
However, even after waiting for more than 30 minutes, the scroll bar did not progress from 30%, so the following popup did not disappear.
(Internet environment is stable)
I can't disconnect the device because it says "Please do not disconnect the device".
I have nothing to do anymore. What should I do now?'''
Started Firmware Update process
Backing-up camera flash memory
Backup completed and saved as 'XXX'
Requesting to switch to recovery mode
(XXX is the file path of bin.)When I connect the L515 to Windows 10, I use the cable that came with my purchase.
Also, when I plug in the USB, I make sure that it is recognized as 3.2 before using it.I'm in great trouble because I'm stuck at work.
Thank you. -
Hello Jesus.
The progress bar did not advance, so I updated the firmware by clicking "Install Recommended Firmware" from the menu in "More" at the top left of the screen.
However, when I started the Depth camera, I got the following error:
Invalid Value in rs2_open_multiple(sensor:00000193DBC50A60,
profiles:00000193D4DD52F8, count:2):Failed to resolve the request:
Format: Z16, width: 640, height: 480 Format: Y8, width: 640, height: 480Into:
Y8 Z16I sent a "hardware reset" command, but it didn't resolve.
Also, I ran the "rs-fw-update" command that you previously told me, but it didn't resolve.When I manipulated the resolution parameter of the depth camera, I got an error like this:
(This error is displayed for all resolution types.)When I connect the L515 to Windows 10, I use the cable that came with my purchase.
Also, when I plug in the USB, I make sure that it is recognized as 3.2 before using it.I want to solve this problem.
Thank you.
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