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Intel Realsense ID f455 sdk does not work in my windows 10 system



  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Revathi,

    Did the rsid-viewer work before? If so, what changed?

    Do the other sample programs work?

    I saw you opened another request because of problems with rsid-cli.exe.

    Jesus G.
    Intel Customer Support


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  • Jesus Garcia


    Also, describe how the RealSenseID is connected to the host system. 

    Is the RealSense ID connected directly to a PC via the USB port?

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  • jakemin


    I've had this problem before.

    I also used it on Windows 10, but sometimes I tested the F455 on an Android device as well.

    The cause of the problem is that when removing F455 from an Android device, you must apply UNPAIR from the menu and then remove it.

    Otherwise, you will experience Query Error and Authenticator Error when connecting to a new device.

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  • jakemin

    My solution was to reconnect F455 to Android and remove the device again.

    Removed after applying UNPAIR in the RealSenseID app menu.

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  • Revathi

    Hi jakemin,

    I am also having the same issue and now it's resolved. Thanks for your solution.

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  • Rahul R

    But i Didn't connect with android. I connected to cpu. 

    Can you give me solution for this becouse it was working fine earlier with linux as well window .

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