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L515 SDK issue



  • Official comment
    Jesus Garcia

    Hello Bluekksailor,

    Unfortunately, we do not have a way to use Python with the DWS SDK. In order to use Python with this SDK, you would have to build a Python wrapper that can interface with the C++ API and this is not trivial.

    The correct filename is DWSSDK.dll; there is a typo in the guide.

    There are many ways to configure your Visual Studio project based on your own standards. Below is just one way to do it.

    In Visual Studio:

    1. Create a new C++ Console Project
    2. Set platform (Debug or Release) | x64
    3. Copy the full sample code from the DWS Datasheet into your main source file.
    4. Create directories named include and lib in your Project folder
    5. Copy header files Intel_RealSense_DWS\RealSenseDWS_SDK\*.h into your Project\include directory
    6. Copy file Intel_RealSense_DWS\RealSenseDWS_SDK\DWSSDK.lib into your Project\lib directory
    7. Right-click the DWS project | Properties | Configuration Properties:
      • C/C+ | General | Additional Include Directories: $(ProjectDir)include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
      • Linker:
        General | Additional Library Directories: $(ProjectDir)lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
        Input | Additional Dependencies: DWSSDK.lib;....%(AdditionalDependencies)
      • Build Events | Pre-Link Event | Command Line: xcopy /y /e "<full path>\Intel_RealSense_DWS\RealSenseDWS_SDK\*" "$(TargetDir)"
    8. Copy the License file, from when you activated the DIM Weight Software, is in the same directory as your .exe, which may be x64/Debug or x64/Release.
    9. Make sure your camera is connected when you run the program and no other program, such as RealSense Viewer, is accessing the camera.
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  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Bluekksailor,

    Section 6.3 - Interaction with the SDK of the file Intel_RealSense_DWS_v1.1 describes how to setup a DWS SDK project and section 8 contains example code you can copy and paste onto your application. We recommend to start with the sample code provided. Also, the DSW SDK was validated with Visual Studio so the gcc compiler may behave differently. All we can say is to continue to test your application to see if it continues to work for you or switch to Visual Studio.

    Jesus G.
    Intel Customer Support

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  • Bluekksailor

    Hi Jesus,

    Is there any way to build my application in Python? I understand that everything was written in C++ so could you point me in the direction/setup I need in order for my Python script to call/import/(whatever it is called) to run the functions and get the output.



    Jun Kaih


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  • Bluekksailor

    Hi Jesus,

    I am now building the project using Visual Studio. Could you show me some guides on linking the DWS_Sdk.dll? I read that I have to link the project in point 1

    and at the same time, I can't even find the DWS_Sdk.dll

    Does the docs refer to the DWSSDK.dll?


    I would really appreciate it if you could point me to an instruction set on linking the project and setting it up on visual studio so I can get started on my project.



    Jun Kaih



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  • Rod

    Jun, as noted By Jesus above the file name in the docs are incorrect. The steps he outlined worked for me, Just I had to work it out the hard way!. Note you link the .lib file. You need to include the location of that file in your LIB search path

    Then if you create a rule to copy all the files after building the app VS will copy the files required to the debug or release folder

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