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rsid_dotnet.dll is not loaded in C# WPF application



  • Official comment
    Jesus Garcia

    Hello Revathi,

    If you are using the pre-built RealSenseID SDK binary, then you should find rsid_dotnet.dll in the same directory as rsid-csharp-example.exe, C:\Program Files\Intel RealSenseID SDK\examples.

    If you are building the examples from source, then the rsid_dotnet.dll project should get loaded within your RealSenseID_CSharp_Sample solution as shown in the screenshots below. The rsid_dotnet project builds the rsid_dotnet.dll file in the same directory as the rsid-csharp-sample executable. If you are compiling in Release mode then the file is rsid_donet.dll, and if compiling in Debug mode it is rsid_dotnet_debug.dll.

    1.  Use CMake to generate the Visual Studio solution and project files and ensure you select RSID_SAMPLES.

    2. After you generate the projects, you will find the csharp Visual Studio solution under the RealSenseID/build/samples/csharp directory.

    3. Open RealSenseID_CSharp_Sample.sln and you will find the wrappers/rsid_dotnet project, which builds rsid_dotnet.dll.

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  • Revathi

    The above steps are followed to generate the rsid-csharp-sample.exe file. After run the executable file does not open the application.


    [2021-04-20 15:13:00.008] [debug] [WindowsSerial] Opening serial port COM9
    [2021-04-20 15:13:00.009] [error] [FaceAuthenticatorImpl] Failed to open serial port. GetLastError: 2
    Error connecting to device:
    [2021-04-20 15:13:00.011] [debug] [NonSecureSession] Start session
    [2021-04-20 15:13:00.011] [error] [FaceAuthenticatorImpl] NonSecureSession: serial connection is null
    OnResults Failure
    [2021-04-20 15:13:00.013] [debug] [NonSecureSession] Close session".


    Request you to help us to resolve this problem

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  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Revathi,

    Specify the COM port that the F455 is connected to.  According to these instructions:

    "Run Windows "Device Manager" and check in which COM port the device was recognized (It should appear under Ports (COM & LPT) (For example: COM3)"

    The F455 appears as "USB Serial Device (COM#)" in Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT).

    Update line 31 of Program.cs with the correct COM port number.

    You will have to make a similar change if you run the other sample programs.

    Jesus G.
    Intel Customer Support

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  • Revathi

    The above steps were followed to run the rsid-viewer.exe in command prompt. After opening the executable file, the camera preview is not running.

    Then we ran the rsid-cli.exe COM4. It is opening the serial port and connected to device. further we are getting the following error.

    [2021-04-21 11:52:54.577] [error] [SecureSession] Verify key callback failed

    [2021-04-21 11:52:54.579] [error] [FaceAuthenticatorImpl] Session start failed with status 106
    Status: SerialSecurityError

    Request you to help us to resolve this problem at the earliest.

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  • Revathi

    Hai Jesus Garcia, 

    This instructions are followed to make the build folder. After run the rsid-viewer.exe


    The camera preview is not running in my example application. How to solve this problem as soon as possible.


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  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Revathik,

    In the CMake GUI picture I showed in a previous post I had forgotten to check the flag for RSID_PREVIEW. If you use CMake GUI make sure you select RSID_PREVIEW as shown below.


    CMake Command Line:

    > mkdir build
    > cd build
    > cmake .. -DRSID_PREVIEW=1 -DRSID_SAMPLES=1

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  • Revathi

    Hi jesus Garcia,

    Thanks, your solution solved this problem

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