L515 cannot connected to viewer
Hi all, I bought an L515 camera from the Intel store last week. It doesn't work. The RealSense Viewer always reports Found 0 RealSense devices. and I also tried to used rs-fw-update -l to update the camera firmware, however, the result is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel RealSense SDK 2.0\tools>rs-fw-update -l
connected devices:
12/05 00:14:52,959 ERROR [3348] (types.h:315) MFCreateDeviceSource(_device_attrs, &_source) returned: HResult 0x80070005: "鎷掔粷璁块棶銆?RealSense error calling rs2_create_device(info_list:000001FA383BC790, index:0):
MFCreateDeviceSource(_device_attrs, &_source) returned: HResult 0x80070005: "鎷掔粷璁块棶銆?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel RealSense SDK 2.0\tools>
In Win10, the camera appears correctly on the device manager.
I also tired to find the type.h and sensor .cpp file to view the problem however, I can only find rs_type.h and rs_sensor.hpp files which both didn't include the method MFCreateDeviceSource(_device_attrs, &_source)
I've already tried the following:
- connected to another USB3 port and USB2 port
- connected to another PC(mac)
- checked the ports with another USB3 device: they are fine
- also used a different USB3 cable
What can I do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Sylar,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Please try the troubleshooting steps described in this article. If the issue still persists, please reply to us by providing all the information under the section "PC Information".Regards,
Intel Customer Support
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