RGB Module white image
Hi, I have a problem with the RGB-module of the D435. I only get a white image. I tried different pc, USB cable. I reinstalled RealSense Viewer and tried it on the standard Windows Camera app, with the same result as shown in the screenshot below.
Is there a way to diagnose if its a hardware failure of the rgb-module?
Hi Simeonb Could you left-click on the small up-arrow in the bottom corner of the Viewer window please to open the Debug Log interface and then activate the RGB stream and let me know what the log says (posting an image here if possible).
Hi MartyG
Thank you very much. The white display does not look like a typical Frames Not Received scenario, as those words would be displayed in red lettering at the center of the RGB panel if it were. It more closely resembles the momentary blank white panel after enabling the stream before the usual RGB video display appears.
As you have changed the cables and tried the camera on two different computers with the same result, it would suggest that it is not the cables or computers that are the source of the problem.
Is the RGB stream able to appear if you only enable RGB and no other stream types or does it continue to be plain white?
Hi MartyG it does not make a difference. The stream remains white.
Hi MartyG Yes both drivers are there.
Please right-click on the Intel AVStream Camera 2500 driver and select the Disable device option to disable this camera (you can re-enable it again at any time if you need to by right-clicking on the disabled device and selecting Enable device). This will demonstrate whether the AVStream camera is interfering with the RealSense camera's ability to stream RGB.
Thanks MartyG, but still white image.
MartyG It worked fine until yesterday!
MartyG they update
Thanks very much. Are you using the standalone version of the RealSense Viewer downloaded from the Assets file list of the RealSense SDK 'Releases' page (Intel.RealSense.Viewer.exe)?
If not, could you download it please and launch the .exe file at the location where you downloaded it to (do not use the Viewer shortcut icon on the Windows desktop if you have one) and then try enabling the RGB stream in that Viewer.
I appreciate your patience during this diagnostic process. Next, could you try disabling the GLSL options in the Viewer's settings using the instructions in the link below to see whether it makes a positive difference to performance.
Thank you for your time MartyG! There are no changes to the performance.
There is a new line in the Debug Console. (line 3: 16.06.11)
You are very welcome :)
The log message Found 1 unreachable streams enabled me to find a similar past case with a D435i and Windows where this error had occurred and the RealSense user in that case experienced the error on multiple PCs.
In that case, I suggested performing a gold reset procedure on the camera to reset it to its factory-default settings.
MartyG I managed to do the gold reset shown below. Bot there is still a white screen
MartyG using YUYV I get a load of error messanges:
Same for all the other options.
It looks as though it is complaining about the OpenVINO face detection mode in the RGB settings of the Viewer. Given that you had the white-screen problem in the standalone Viewer that does not have OpenVINO, I doubt that disabling it may make a difference but you can try it anyway.
If the Post-Processing option inside the RGB options section is enabled (a blue icon beside it) then left-click on the blue icon to toggle it to red (off).
MartyG now they dont send the errors but all change to YUYV.
exept for RAW16 this message apears on the RGB-frame "The requested format RAW16 is not supported for rendering".
MartyG Yes still only white
At this point I will bring this case to the attention of an Intel RealSense Customer Support team member to seek their advice.
Hi @... In this case the RGB sensor on a D435i was functioning up until yesterday. It seems to be able to stream frames but only has an empty white image that is different from No Frames Received as it has no text in the center of the panel. It has been tested on another PC with the same results, and a wide range of tests performed during the course of this case have not resolved the problem. Could you provide advice to Simeonb please? Thanks!
MartyG Thank you for your help so far!
Hello Simeonb,
I applaud your and MartyG's perseverance with this issue. Based on the exhaustive troubleshooting, it's safe to conclude your camera is faulty and requires an RMA if it has been purchased within one year. I will send you instructions for RMA in a private email.
Jesus G.
Intel Customer Support
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