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D455 connecting as USB 2 - PCIE USB card recommendation?



  • MartyG

    Are you using a USB 3 cable when using your own choice of cable, please?  If a USB 2 cable is unknowingly used then the camera connection would be in USB 2 mode.  The USB 3 cables that Newnex recommend for RealSense are detailed in the link below.  Is your Newnex cable one of those mentioned on this page?


    I do not have a recommendation of PCI-E card to make, though RealSense users reading this can certainly contribute their own advice.

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  • Adam

    Yes, they're USB3 cables.  We normally use Anker, and those cables work on every other computer we've tried.  The Newnex cables are new to us, but they're USB3. 

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  • MartyG

    Not all USB ports are made equal even though USB is a standard.  So a camera that works well on one computer might experience problems in the USB port of a different make / model of computer.  Using your own choice of USB device such as a mains electricity powered USB hub or a PCI-E USB expansion device (as you suggested) may help to resolve this, as the camera would no longer be using the computer's built-in port and would make use of the device's own USB controllers.

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