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Firmware versions compatibility + possibility to downgrade



  • Official comment
    Jesus Garcia

    Hello Martin,

    In the current FW versions, while downgrading and upgrading FW does not delete the faceprints, it is recommended to re-enroll users because faceprints are not compatible across FW versions.  However, a new recognition model will be introduced in the next release and will require re-enrollment. We plan to finish all database and recognition changes within a few weeks and then it'll be frozen.
    Only then it makes sense to enroll all people and create the final database.

    In general, it is a best practice to always install the latest FW versions in order to keep with the latest security enhancements, bug fixes, and new features.

    Jesus G.
    Intel Customer Support

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  • Martin Hochmal



    Thank you for the information. Is it possible to narrow time estimation to some more specific information? Do you have some probable date when will that release be out if everything goes well? Or some deadline when it must be done even if there will be troubles during development?


    I am asking because as I said previously we are considering this device as part of our solution which we would like to offer to our customers. But it is important for us to know time estimation so we can decide if we should wait for this solution to be fixed or to use different one.


    Thank you for understanding, Martin Hochmal.

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  • Jesus Garcia

    Hello Martin,

    The best I can give you is in about 1 month. However, this feature will be rolled out via a firmware update that is easy to do. You can purchase a RealSense ID device any time and upgrade the firmware when the feature is released.

    Jesus G.
    Intel Customer Support


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  • Martin Hochmal



    Thank you for this information. "About 1 month" is alright for us. We hope you will be successful with this product. It seems promising and we will certainly try to use it for our Logeto attendance terminals.


    Best regards, M. Hochmal.

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