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D455 RGBD data to Camera World Coordinate Conversion



  • MartyG

    Hi Pandeymanoj  As you have already developed a script but the main problem with it is instability of depth values, you could try stabilizing their fluctuation by defining a post-processing Temporal Filter and giving its Smooth Alpha setting a very low value of '0' or '0.1'.  A Python script for doing so can be found at the link below.

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  • Pandeymanoj

    Thank you @MartyG for the possible solution. After reading the real sense white paper for the D400 series, I found out that I misunderstood the depth value firsthand. The depth value we get is Z-coordinate from the imager plane to the 3D point of the corresponding pixel. Again, Thank you for the suggestions for smoothing. 

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  • MartyG

    You are very welcome  :)

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