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  • Wai Fook Wan

    Dear customer,
    Thanks for reaching out to us.
    May I know which version of Intel® RealSense™ are you using on your machines?
    Meanwhile, could you please try the following suggestion and see if your issue was able to resolve?

    1. Use the latest firmware and RealSense SDK 2.0 version.
    2. Connect the camera directly to a USB 3 port on your PC.
      If the camera is already connected directly to the PC, try using a powered USB hub.
    3. Use the USB cable that came with the RealSense camera.
      The cable that came with your RealSense Camera is a high-quality USB cable that is capable of handling the power and bandwidth requirements of the camera. Using other cables is not recommended.
    4. Connect the RealSense camera to a different computer - preferably a computer with an Intel processor.
      If your camera works on another computer, then the original computer probably has a USB subsystem that the camera is having problems with.
    5. Flip the USB C connector that is inserted into the camera and re-insert it the opposite way.
      Sometimes the camera will work only if the cable is inserted in a particular orientation.
    6. Update the USB drivers on the PC.
      You probably already have the latest USB drivers due to automatic Windows Updates but this is worth checking.

    Intel Customer Support

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  • 1933857625


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  • Wai Fook Wan

    Dear Customer,
    Thanks for your information.
    Does the suggestion above able to solve the error you encountered when using Intel® RealSense™ T265?

    Intel Customer Support

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  • Wai Fook Wan

    Hi Customer,

    Thanks for your question.

    Please submit a new question if additional information is needed as this thread will no longer be monitored.





    Intel Customer Support

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