Cannot access the L515 camera using the python pyrealsense2 library on a Rasberry Pi4
Cannot access the L515 camera using the python pyrealsense2 library on a Rasberry Pi4. Segmentation Fault error occurs, which has its root in the depths of RealSense SDK 2.0, built from source. At the same time realsense-viewer is working and access via example c++ is obtained.
Question, can you provide a correctly compiled RealSense SDK for arm64 architecture in which it would be possible to work with L515 camera via pyrealsense2?
Hello Customer,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Did you install the package from or build the package from source?
To use the Python wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ SDK, please follow the steps in the following link:
Intel Customer Support
Yes, we installed the package from there, using the pip install pyrealsense2 command. Regarding the second point, we installed it according to this tutorial .
Could you please tell me
1. How to install pyrealsense2 from sourse?
2. Do you have a tutorial on installing programs for Pi4 8gb and RealSense L515 combination? -
Thanks for your information.
To install pyrealsense2 from the source, please follow the steps in Raspbian Installation with some minor changes:
When installing protobuf, please git clone the following branch:
git clone --depth 1 -b v3.10.0
I need a proven working link to work with D435 or L515 Intel Real Sense cameras on Rasbery Pi4 (arm64).
That is, you need a working sequence of commands for a specific OS (please specify the version).
Minimum questions:
1. What version of python do you need?
2. What version of Cmake do you need?
3. What version of gcc is needed?
4. What packages are initially needed for bare linux (apt-get install ...)?
5. What version of protobuf and how to build it from source?
6. Do I need TBB, which version and how to assemble?
7. What version of OpenCV should be installed and how to build from source?
8. What version of SDK\librealsense should be installed and how?
9. How to build and which version of pyrrealsense
10. What additional dependencies need to be installed between all these programs?
I have already tried 3-4 instructions and everywhere there is a Segmentation foul, which occurs in the depths of the SDK. -
Hello Customer,
Did you encounter Segmentation Fault when using your custom Python code?
I've validated the steps in Raspbian Installation and I'm able to run Tutorial 1 from Sample Code for Intel® RealSense™ Python Wrapper.
Could you please run Tutorial 1 from Sample Code for Intel® RealSense™ Python Wrapper and see if you encounter Segmentation Fault?
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