Low Frequency Oscillations in Depth
I have taken a recording of a blank wall to test the depth consistency of the L515 camera. The recording was collected using the capture function of the MATLAB wrapper that has been adapted to store the data.
I have taken an average of all of the depth points in the field of view after removing any anomalous points. I would assume that given a gaussian distribution of the errors in the depth measurements that averaging the points would give a consistent depth over time. However, I observe an obvious pattern in the depth data over 900 Frames. Is there a known cause for this i.e. fluctations in the laser intensity or temperature of the camera? I am trying to find a away to remove this low frequency signal but it is roughly the same frequency as the movement I am try to collect so filtering is not an option.
Hi A M Handley,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Referring to https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/issues/1531, doubling the resolution and upgrading the version of Intel® RealSense™ SDK can reduce the amplitude of the oscillations.
Intel Customer Support
Hi A M Handley,
You may refer to the suggestions from the article - Tuning depth cameras for best performance to tune your camera for best performance.
On another note, you may also refer to post-processing samples in Getting Started with RealSense™ SDK2.0 for Matlab® to apply post-processing in your application.
Hope it helps.
Intel Customer Support
Hi A M Handley,
Some suggestions from the article are applicable to RealSense Cameras. You may refer to the L515 User Guide to get the best performance from your Lidar Camera L515 and the Intel RealSense SDK.
For your information, the L515 has been discontinued. You may refer to https://www.intelrealsense.com/message-to-customers/ for more information.
Intel Customer Support
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