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1 comment

  • MartyG

    Because you have the camera firmware driver installed, let's use RealSense Viewer version 2.54.1 as the firmware is designed for use with that SDK version.  Please download the 2.54.1 version of Intel.RealSense.Viewer.exe

    由于您安装了 相机固件驱动程序,因此我们使用 RealSenseViewer 版本 2.54.1,因为 固件设计用于该 SDK 版本。 请下载2.54.1版本的Intel.RealSense.Viewer.exe


    It is likely that the camera is limited to a maximum of 4 meters in RealSense Viewer because a post processing filter called Threshold Filter is enabled.  Please expand open the Stereo Module > Post-Processing section of the options side panel and click on the blue icon beside ThresholdFilter to turn its color from blue (On) to red (Off).  The D455 should now be able to read depth up to 20 meters.

    在 RealSenseViewer 中,摄像头的最大距离可能被限制为 4 米,因为启用了名为 ThresholdFilter 的后处理滤镜。 请展开选项侧面板的 StereoModule > 后处理部分,然后单击 ThresholdFilter 旁边的蓝色图标,将其颜色从蓝色(打开)变为红色(关闭)。 D455 现在应该能够读取高达 20 米的深度。




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