Unable to Access realsense D457 Device After Firmware Update Failure
I am experiencing the exact same issue as described in the post here: link.
During a firmware update using the intel-realsense-dfu.exe provided by realsense, the program seemed to misidentify the device as another device, resulting in the installation of incorrect firmware and ultimately a failed update.
The problem is that, following this incident, I am unable to access the device in any way. I have attempted to use realsense tools such as rs-fw-update and realsense-viewer, but in a Windows environment, these programs fail to recognize the device, either reporting that there is no device present or showing no response.
In an Ubuntu environment, I receive an error message indicating a null pointer in the device variable, and the camera fails to function. What's important to note is that, using the same USB cable and USB port, a different product, the D435, functions correctly. Moreover, changing the PC doesn't alter the status, so it appears the issue is not on that end.
I also tried USB 3.0. However, the issue remains unresolved.
In Windows Device Manager, the only device recognized is the realsense D4n0 depth camera. not 3 cameras. I have attempted using Windows' troubleshooting tools, driver reinstalls, and even removed the device, allowing some time before reconnecting, but the issue remains unresolved.
When querying with lsusb in a Linux environment, I notice that "Invalid SKU" appears in red behind the realsense product name. When I tried to see more detailed information, there are numerous "Still image unsupported" messages there.
I've also experimented with switching the device's mode from USB to MIPI and back to USB, but this hasn't resolved the problem.
Hi Melebele3073 The intel-realsense-dfu.exe DFU firmware update tool was the original firmware update tool for the RealSense 400 Series cameras dating back to late 2017, but it has long since been superseded by rs-fw-update and the firmware updater mechanism in the RealSense Viewer tool. intel-realsense-dfu.exe is designed only for the D415 and D435 camera models.
In the Windows environment, the rs-fw-update tool must be run from the Windows Command Prompt text interface rather than double-leftclicking on the rs-fw-update.exe file in the SDK Tools folder, as advised at the link below.
Version 2.54.2 of the RealSense SDK added support for updating D457 firmware with rs-fw-update over a MIPI connection instead of USB.
In the RealSense Viewer tool, if the camera is listed in the options side-panel then you can update the firmware by going to the More option near the top of the side-panel and selecting Update Firmware from its drop-down menu.
At the moment, I don't have an MIPI connector available, so testing is not feasible right now. If I obtain an MIPI connector in the future, I will certainly give it a try.
However, judging from the device status reported by
, I don't think I can be particularly optimistic about the outcome.And it seems like there's no separate MIPI port on the device. Can you tell me which cable to use and where to plug it in?
Regarding the RealSense Viewer, as I mentioned earlier, it is not recognizing the device, and the camera is not appearing in the connected device list. Therefore, updating through the RealSense Viewer is currently not possible.
I've added a few more screenshots to my initial post. Please take a look at them for reference in finding a solution. -
Thanks very much for the additional screenshots, which were helpful.
The connector for plugging a GMSL / FAKRA cable into the camera for use on a MIPI connection is on the side of the camera underneath a large removable side-cap on the camera casing.
On a USB connection the camera should be detected as D455 if the firmware is working correctly.
As mentioned in the similar case that you linked to at the beginning of this discussion, a camera with the Invalid SKU error may be recoverable if the casing is opened and a cable joining two circuit boards together is disconnected and a firmware update then attempted. Doing so would likely invalidate the sales warranty of the camera though.
As the D457 model has been available for almost exactly a year at the time of writing this, your camera should still be within the 1 year sales warranty period after purchase,
Thank you for your response.
I'm concerned about voiding the camera's warranty, but would this method definitely result in successful recovery? I'd like to confirm the exact procedure. To attempt recovery this way, should I connect the camera to a Raspberry Pi or a similar device using an MIPI cable, install the RealSense Viewer, and run it? If this program can successfully recognize the device without any issues, and I proceed with the update through the RealSense Viewer, will the camera be restored without any problems? I'd also like to find a solution that doesn't void the warranty. I believe it hasn't been a year since the purchase, and I bought it through a distributor while residing overseas, with an official warranty sticker from the distributor. Is it possible to receive service in this case?
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