Sensor not working - OSX
I just received my Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D455f and am trying to install it, using Mac OSX.
to use the sensor with Processing, the camera as supposedly available (as a test patch shows). However when trying to access it, I get a "failed state" message.
I have now learned that OSX is no longer supported and that it does not work under the current OS anymore.
Secondly, under the SDK download section, you state that it is available for OS X. But there is no sdk to available on the following page.
Please tell me if there are any ways to correct this issue.
Otherwise, please let me know, why you sell a product that is publicly described as working on Mac, yet it does not and there seems to be not even the viewer app that you provide for other operating systems.
Maybe I have missed some vital information or link on your page ?
Hi Subscriptions Official updates for Mac support in the RealSense SDK ceased after MacOS High Sierra in 2018. However, RealSense cameras have continued to work with Macs in subsequent MacOS releases, the most recent highly stable ones being MacOS Catalina and Big Sur.
After the introduction of MacOS Monterey and the Apple Silicon range of 'M' chip computers, compatibility reduced as USB related problems became more common. An installation guide for MacOS Monterey / Apple Silicon was developed by a RealSense user though.
The subsequent MacOS releases Ventura and Sonoma continue to experience issues though. Although Intel do not provide official Mac support, the RealSense MacOS user community continues to develop and share solutions.
The RealSense Viewer tool can be run on Mac with the command realsense-viewer or sudo realsense-viewer
I would recommend attempting install with the simple brew install librealsense instruction first to see whether that works for you.
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