Depth Quality tool how to set custom ROI in DQT
I am using the Depth Quality Tool to compare cameras and settings in my project. I know that one can change the size of the ROI for depth measurement. Can I somehow define the ROI myself? I need more of a portrait format to conduct the measurement. Where are the predefined areas determined?
Hi Arne Luken In the Depth Quality Tool there is a 'Set ROI' button next to the Enable Auto Exposure option in the side-panel. If you enter 2D mode and click Set ROI, you can then hold the left mouse button down on the depth stream panel and draw the shape of ROI box that you want as you move the mouse. Click 'Set ROI' again to set the box that you have drawn.
In regard to defining the size of the ROI box with code, this could be defined with min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y. The link below has a Python script that demonstrates doing so.
For any future C++ users reading this, there are references here:
Hi, as far as i can tell your links refer to setting the ROI for the auto exposure. I want to change the Metrics Region of interest in the Depth quality Tool as shown in the Pictures above. Is there a way to define the shape instead of just changing the size (like shown above).
Thanks Arne
My research of the Metrics Region of Interest function indicates that it is not a RealSense SDK instruction that can be called upon in your own script, but is instead a feature that is programmed into the code of the Depth Quality Tool to draw a different sized rectangle on the screen when a % value is selected.
One feature of this function that may be able to be replicated in your own script is that when the ROI is set to 20%, an instruction called RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_IR_REFLECTIVITY is set to True (a value of '1').
The Depth Quality Tool does not have separate RGB controls. If you choose a percentage (20, 40, 60 or 80) from the Region of Interest drop-down menu in the side-panel then the 'Metrics Region of Interest' ROI box is automatically adjusted to that percentage size for both the depth and RGB streams.
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