Intel Realsense d435i ROS2 + DeepStream
Hello everyone,
During my studies, I have developed a small project that enables the use of the DeepStream engine for object detection. This involves accessing an Intel RealSense camera indirectly via the ROS2 color topic, which is then converted into an RTSP stream serving as input for DeepStream. Inference results are retrieved via a Kafka Server and subsequently published as a ROS2 custom message. Additionally, I am also estimating latency to synchronize depth and color data for accurate distance detection in dynamic tasks. The project is currently designed for ROS2 Foxy but will be ported to Humble once a minor issue with the CUDA driver is corrected by Nvidia.
I would appreciate feedback from the community regarding their interest in this project and suggestions for improvements or additional functionalities. As I am a student relatively new to this field, I lack the expertise to assess the viability of maintaining this software. I apologize if this question is not appropriate for this forum. The project can be found here -
Thank you.
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