Object Detection Algorithm in ROS RVIZ
I'm working with a Intel Realsense D435 Camera in ROS Noetic, How shall I deploy an object detection algorithm which could be viewed through the Point Cloud data in RVIZ, there's support for Zed Cameras for ROS but I can't find anything for Realsense cameras like that, Can anyone help me with this?
Hi Nishanths6321 Intel have an Object Analytics package for ROS1 that can work with RealSense 400 Series cameras such as D435 but it is very old and was designed for ROS1 Kinetic, so I could not guarantee that it could be made to work with ROS1 Noetic.
The link below has a newer ROS1 object detection tool that was designed for D435 and ROS1 Melodic (the predecessor of Noetic).
Another approach would be to use a ROS implementation of YOLO. This method is much more up to date than the ones mentioned above, and YOLO is used by RealSense users in the present day for object detection. The darknet_ros tool at the link below has been tested with Noetic.
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