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Scanning Workflow


1 comment

  • MartyG

    Hi Dimouzoi  Instead of stitching together multiple individual views, it will be easiest if you move the camera around the room in real-time to build up a scan.  If you have a Windows computer then a D455-compatible commercial software product called DotProduct Dot3D is well suited to this application.


    A free alternative that can also build up a scan in real-time as the camera is moved around is the RealSense SDK's C++ program example rs-kinfu


    If you would prefer to capture individual views and stitch them later then scanning horizontally left-right would be best, as the camera's view is wider in the horizontal than the vertical.


    The overlap between views is something that would likely have to be worked out through trial and error experimentation.  The image below of two RealSense cameras performing stitching into a single image from different angles may be a helpful visual guide though.




    The image below provides guidance about approximately how much of a room a D455 could see at 1280x720 resolution.


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