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Move d435 RGB sensor and align to depth


1 comment

  • MartyG

    Hi Maxime Ambard Thanks very much for your questions.


    1. Yes, the HSF interposer cables - available in the official RealSense Store - will connect the Vision Processor D4 Board to your D430 board.  The number in the cable name refers to its length in mm (50 mm and 100 mm) - they are both equal quality.


    2.  A company called Cocom Consumer Logistics may be worth contacting regarding ordering a custom cable for the RGB sensor, as they are the recommended logistics source for custom interposer cable queries in the official data sheet document for the RealSense 400 Series cameras.



    3.  The official RealSense Dynamic Calibration software tool can be used to calibrate both the depth and RGB sensors.  You can download the tool for Windows from the link below or use instructions on page 14 onwards of the tool's user guide document to install it on Ubuntu.


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