The update broke RealSense
I bought a new one, ordered RealSens D455 from Amazon, in Ukraine, paid for customs clearance and waited for it for a long time. I downloaded the program for training and development from the official website, decided to update the RealSense software without downloading any firmware. And he stopped working.
In the intel RealSense Viewer v2.35.2 program, I was doing an update, the program downloaded up to 95% of the update, after that it gave an error that it could not reconnect RealSense. After restarting RealSense in the device manager, Unknown USB Device (Invalid Configuration Descriptor) is written as the state of the device. The system turned off this device because it reported a problem. (Code 43)
The USB device returned an invalid USB configuration descriptor. In the device manager, if you connect realsense via Type-C to Type-C, it is as a device inrel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera 4n0 Depth. Is there a method to restore RealSensa, help needed?
Hi Maxxxcim,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
May I know which version of Windows are you using on your system?
For your information, the latest version of Intel® RealSense™ Viewer is available in the latest version of Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 (v2.55.1).
You may install the latest Intel® RealSense™ SDK and launch the Intel® RealSense™ Viewer and see if the issue persists.
Hi Maxxxcim,
Thanks for the information.
Referring to the attachment above, I noticed that the version of the Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 is v2.50.0.
Could you please uninstall existing Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 on your system and download the Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 from the following link and re-launch Intel® RealSense™ Viewer and see if the issue can be resolved?
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