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Rs-Server for linux after 2.53.1



  • MartyG

    Hi Y Mounier  It was the intention at the time that that message was written to release a new networking method in an upcoming SDK version.  It did not take place though and there is currently not information available about it.  Sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.  You should certainly be able to use the networking in SDK version 2.53.1 with your D430 though.

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  • Y Mounier

    Hi MartyG. Thank you for your reply.

    I try to compile the 2.53.1 but It didn't work. But I found that it works with 2.47.1, so I use this version.

    Another question linked to this topic. Did the net-device class wrapped for C# ?

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  • MartyG

    It is apparently possible, though complicated, to achieve networking in C# by using information at the link below.

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  • Y Mounier

    Hi MartyG

    Thanks, It's working !

    My first test was with D435 sensor. I buy these modules to have something more adapted to my project :

    • Intel D430 module
    • Intel D4 board V3
    • Rigid Interposer (PC065401).

    When I connect them all and try to use it with Intel.RealSense.Viewer.exe, it didn't work. Is there any firmware to push in the D4 board V3 ?

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  • MartyG

    If you aimed to replicate a D435 then ideally the V1 version of the D4 board should have been used with the D430 rather than V3.  However, V3 is compatible with the D430 module and should result in an IMU-equipped D435i configuration.



    Have you connected the rigid interposer to the 50-pin connector on the long edge of the D4 V3 board and not the connector on the short edge?  The interposer should be plugged into the long edge's connector.



    For a D435i configuration, the absolute minimum firmware version installed onto the D4 V3 board should be  I would recommend using the later as the minimum version though.  


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  • Y Mounier

    Thanks, all is working now ! maybe a problem with my USB3 port

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  • Y Mounier

    Hi MartyG,

    I have another problem.

    All my tests and development have been done with a D435 and it work !

    But when I replace the D435 by (D430 module+interposer+D4 board V3), the rstp class seems to search sensor[1] and sensor[0]. There is only sensor[0], so it didn't want to go further ...

    Can you help me ?


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  • MartyG

    When the D4 V3 board is used with D430, it should give the configuration of 'D430i' (a camera that has an IMU sensor but does not have an RGB sensor).  The RGB sensor is sensor '1' and in the D435 camera it is attached separately via a cable.  This sensor is not sold separately, so it is not possible to achieve the 'D435i' configuration (IMU and RGB) by purchasing components separately.  The librealsense SDK software does not support the 'D430i' camera configuration (though the RealSense ROS wrapper does).


    To replicate a D435 using separate components, a D430 and the V1 version of the Vision Processor D4 should be used.

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  • Y Mounier

    Yes, I understand but it is the same with D430 module+interposer+D4 board V1.

    You can test it with the cs-tutorial-net-dev. I use 2.53.1.

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  • MartyG

    Ah yes, you are correct, I apologize.  As the RGB sensor is attached separately by cable to the D430, D430 + D4 V1 will still be a D430 without an RGB sensor, not a D435.  There is no way to access the RGB stream (sensor 1) with the D430 module that you have, unfortunately.

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  • Y Mounier

    sorry, my question was not correctly ask.

    My problem is the rs2_create_net_device works with a D435 but not with a D430+D4 board (V1 or V3). And it is the same with IntelViewer. I can create a sample if who want ?

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  • Y Mounier

    rs2::net_device dev("");
    rs2::context ctx; dev.add_to(ctx);
    rs2::pipeline pipe(ctx);
    rs2::config cfg;
    cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH, 640, 480, RS2_FORMAT_Z16, 15);
    //cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_COLOR, 640, 480, RS2_FORMAT_RGB8, 15);
    auto profile = pipe.start(cfg);

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  • Y Mounier

    The code works for D435 but not with D430+D4 board (V1 or V3).

    And the error is in rs2_create_net_device, I think.

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  • Y Mounier

    I found the error !

    In ip_device.cpp :

    if(sensor_id == 1) //todo: remove hard coded

    So for my case, if I change in ip_device.hh :

    #define NUM_OF_SENSORS 2


    #define NUM_OF_SENSORS 1

    It works

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  • MartyG

    It's great to hear that you found a solution.  Thanks very much for the update and for sharing the details of what worked for you!  :)

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