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D450 camera with vision board D4v3 not recognized


1 comment

  • MartyG

    Hi V Szabi520  This situation can occur because of a version mismatch between the D450 board and the Vision Processor D4 V3 board.  There are different versions of the D450 module, ' K83121-100' and ' K83121-101'.  If the purchased D450 module is the newer '101' version then it may not work with the D4 V3 board if it has an old firmware version pre-installed on it.


    It is possible to fix this problem if you already own the older '100' version of the D450 module.  If you do not, I would recommend creating a new ticket on this Help Center support forum, explaining the above problem about the version mismatch between the two boards and waiting for a member of the Help Center team to respond (I am a volunteer advisor here and not a member of that team).  Enquire about the possibility of being sent a D4 V3 board with an up-to-date firmware version installed on it, which should rectify the Invalid SKU problem.

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