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  • Thinkmakework

    What is the calibration target board made of?

    Are there details about the material of the calibration target board?

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  • MartyG

    I do not have any details of the material used in the SR300 calibration board.  I have emailed your question to a senior technical manager in the hope that they will be able to provide an answer for you. I will post a response here when I receive one.   Thanks for your patience!

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  • MartyG

    The manager responded that this is not information that Intel can release as it is a product that they are selling.

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  • Thinkmakework

    Hi MartyG,

    Can you let me know if the product is rigid or if it is a poster without any backing?
    Is the product on a foam material or has excellent strength in durability?
    Should I purchase a frame for the calibration board?

    I understand that IP must be protected.
    Please ask Intel which part(s) of the calibration board is proprietary information.


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  • MartyG

    I would imagine that the material of the board is the main element that is proprietary, since chessboard patterns are commonly used for camera calibration.  Printing a pattern off and sticking the sheet of paper to a flat surface such as a wall and pointing the camera at it would work just as well.  In the link below is an image of a similar pattern for an A4 / US Letter size sheet:

    I can still pass on your questions to the manager if you would prefer to purchase one.

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  • Thinkmakework

    Thank you for the clarification.
    Please consider this resolved now.


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  • MartyG

    I'm very glad I was able to be of help.   Good luck with calibration!

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