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Intel T265 SoftCalibration and Resolution.



  • MartyG

    Dorodnic the RealSense SDK Manager said about T265 calibration: "The T265 comes precalibrated and does not require any user recalibration.  If you want to integrate it with 3rd-party wheel-odometry you need to provide relevant extrnsics".


    An example wheel odometry calibration file is provided here:

    Here is another useful link about wheel odometry:

    I do not have a figure for precision of pose data in the format that you asked for.  Speaking more generally though, an Intel spokesperson said at the T265's launch that the accuracy of its SLAM is about equivalent to the accuracy of GPS within a 100 cubic meter range.

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  • Nikhil Kasturi

    Dear MartyG,

    Perhaps I should rephrase my questions.

    1. What is the smallest increment of change in pose (meters) that the T265 can detect and output?

    2. Assuming the orientation of the T265 is quaternion [a b c d], is it possible to set quaternion [a b c d] to a different quaternion [w x y z] without a physical change in the orientation of that device?




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  • MartyG

    Those questions are outside of my experience.  I would recommend posting your question on the T265 discussion in the link below so that Intel T265 expert Phillip Schmidt is notified about it (since he posted a comment on that thread to another user).


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  • Nikhil Kasturi

    Will do. Please note that my questions have nothing to do with wheel odometry.


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  • MartyG

    I understand that the topic is unrelated.  It's just the quickest way to link your question to Phillip Schmidt on this forum.  *smiles*  Thanks!

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  • Tulagu

    I have 2 T265s, and one of them has a problem. I want to ask how to calibrate it. Although you said that the factory calibration has been made, we all know that imu will still have deviations with transportation or bumping. Here is  follows:

    When I walked 1 meter in front of me, it would travel less than one meter to the left 30 degrees to the front of me. The other T265 is completely normal.
    In addition, I also have a zedmini camera. I suggest you also learn about their after-sales support and provide more possibilities for developers, including the individual calibration of imu. I hope that the official can pay attention to this problem. I see that many people on the Internet have similar problems, and they have to be replaced later. The official still thinks that their factory calibration is trustworthy. I hope to resolve it soon. Otherwise, our project can only be changed to the zed scheme.

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  • MartyG

    I have only seen one other case where the T265 was drifting horizontally   In that particular case, it only occurred when Pose Jumping was set to False.  A clear reason for it occurring was not found.

    The T265 does not have an IMU calibration tool.  It does have a means of Wheel Odometry calibration though. 

    T265 related questions are now being handled on the RealSense GitHub forum, so please post a new question there if you need further advice.  You can do so by visiting the link below and clicking the New Issue button. 

    Edit: I see you have already posted a comment there.  I recommend posting a new question with the New Issue button to ensure that your message is seen by the appropriate support staff.

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