SR300 Accuracy
What is the SR300 camera accuracy/ expected error?
The SR300's accuracy range is traditionally around + or - 5%, compared to an accuracy of around 1% that is achievable with the 400 Series cameras. However, the SR300 can give better accuracy than the 400 Series when scanning at very close range because of the 1/32 of a mm depth units scale that the SR300 uses.
The 400 Series has a default depth units scale of 1mm, though it can be reduced.
I apologize for the delay in further response, I was carefully considering how best to answer your questions.
For the 400 Series cameras, error scales as the square of the distance away. I have no reason to think it is not the same for the SR300.
The request for an official reference for the 5% value is problematic as to the best of my recollection, the 5% figure was given by a member of Intel's support staff a few years ago but was not expressed as such in official documentation. The SR300's accuracy tended to be expressed in terms of mm ("less than 1 mm").
An example of how error scaling over distance can be expressed in mm: With an accuracy value of less than 1% of the distance from the object (like with the 400 Series cameras), if the camera is 1m from the object then the expected accuracy is between 2.5mm to 5mm.
In the absence of firm documentation for the accuracy of the SR300, it may be a good idea to use the SR300 with the 'Depth Quality Tool' software that comes with RealSense SDK 2.0, and look for the Z-Accuracy value that relates to depth sensing accuracy.
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