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Managed SR300 to work on latest Windows 10 (18363.535)



  • MartyG

    Thanks so much for sharing your technique in such detail.  :)  When such problems do occur, it is always very valuable to users to have an extra option to try.  

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  • Popielarczyktomasz

    Thank you so much for this!!! I thought I couldn't make it work anymore...

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  • Technik

    I know this is a different device, but you seem to understand what goes wrong, so please read on :)

    I do have the original Creative Realsense VF0800 3d Gesture Camera which is visible in the device manager, but only sound will work.

    It is not visible as an imaging device at all !

    Is there a way to get it to work under 1909?  Works on Win8.1 and earlier Win10 Versions, but I would like to use it with the new version as well.

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  • MartyG

    The Creative VF0800 is also known as the RealSense F200.  I still have one from 2014 in my equipment bag that I could test with, luckily!

    I just plugged it straight into an internet-connected Windows PC with Windows build 18363 (1909) and its drivers were detected fine in the Device Manager without needing the Depth Camera Manager (DCM) program that used to be required for driver installation.

    Please check the 'Imaging Devices' and 'Camera' sections of the Device Manager to find the F200 drivers.

    The current RealSense SDK 2.0 is not compatible with the F200 though.  To use it in Windows, you will need to use the older '2016 R2' or '2016 R3' Windows SDK.  I recommend R2, as it downloads the entire SDK in a single 1.8 gb package, whereas R3 has a modular installation.  You can download 2016 R2 from here by finding 'the 'Full SDK' link on the page: 


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  • Technik

    Thanks for the fast reply, good to know the F200 is the same as my camera - lots more information on the F200 than on the creative.

    Sadly  2016 R2 tells me there is no Realsense Camera on the System. So I uninstall everything and let the device manager look for a driver - it finds one, but that does not help - the firmware is not updating, because there is no realsense camera available. Neither is 2016 R2.

    It probably needs a different firmware to start with - but I have no idea where to look...


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  • MartyG

    If the camera has worked before with Windows then it should still have a valid firmware, as the firmware is stored inside the camera and not on the computer with the other RealSense drivers.

    You could try uninstalling R2 (keep the 1.8 gb installer file though) and then downloading and installing the DCM program for the F200 from the same download page that R2 was downloaded from.  Find the heading 'Intel® RealSense™ Camera F200 Firmware' and click the Drivers link beneath it to launch a download of the DCM program.

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  • Technik

    That driver tells me the same thing - no realsense camera. I will try the firmware update using Win 8.1...

    Thanks for your time :)

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  • MartyG

    I just recalled that the original generation cameras like the F200 require a USB 3 port and the 2016 SDK prefers a computer with an Intel Core CPU

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  • Technik

    Looks like I broke it. It shows in both Win8.1 64 and Win10 64 in the device manager, but only as a microphone. The camera side is not recognized any more. Drivers install under win 8.1, but everything else not - just like in Win 10. No Realsense camera found.

    I do not believe you can break the camera but not the microphone. Anyway to test this?

    I don't get it - it worked on Win 8.1 before it tried to install it under Win 10 :(

    What a fail...

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  • MartyG

    Check under both the Imaging Devices and the Cameras sections of the Device Manager please, as the driver locations can move around on their own.

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  • Technik

    It is connected to a usb3 Port and the processor is a i9-9900K. That should cover that.


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  • Technik

    There is no VF0800 entry in the imaging device section and no camera section visible at all. Just at Audio, Video and Gamecontroller and Audio Input there is an entry.

    I just don't understand why. There is no switch or anything to turn the camera off...

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  • Technik

    One more thing - when I plug in the device there is a green light left to the central camera sensor showing for a second, then it goes off. Microphone array works fine.

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  • MartyG

    The green light coming on and then going off is a normal response when inserting the camera into the USB port.  I just verified that my F200 does the same. 

    If you try to activate a stream on the camera and it lights up green and goes off instead of the green light remaining on constantly during streaming, then that is an indicator of a problem though.

    The drivers likely would not be called "VF0800", but instead called "Intel RealSense (TM) 3D Camera":


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  • Technik

    Hi Marty,

    i really appreciate your time, but the camera just does not show up any more.... I tried it on a different machine, just to make sure, but it still only shows up as a microphone array. And those Intel driver packages just state, that there is no realsense camera available. I decided to leave it at that.

    I ordered a D435i instead - too much time wasted already.

    Thanks for helping me.



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  • MartyG

    I'm very sorry that we weren't able to reach a solution for your F200.  Replacing it with a modern D435i is a very good idea for your modern computer though.  Feel free to return to the forum any time that you have further questions.   Good luck!

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  • Gnoemail

    Above approach didn't work for me, the msi files wouldn't run (complaining about a license issue) and adding the legacy hardware didn't have the desired effect. I noticed that in device manager, when I activate hidden items (View -> Show hidden devices), sometimes the RS300 would show up, but greyed out, and with no way to activate it.

    However, after a recent Windows Update, suddenly my camera worked for a brief while. Only to break down again and behave in exactly the same way as before. This did give me enough evidence that it should be possible to get it working again. It tuned out to be a driver problem after all, combined with the Intel driver manager not functioning when trying to install the driver. If only there was another way of installing that driver... Well, there is!

    For anyone looking for another option, I managed to get mine working after years, by installing the latest drivers with Snappy Driver Installer: It was that simple. Too bad I didn't know about this tool before.

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  • MartyG

    Gnoemail, thanks so much for sharing your method so that SR300 owners have new alternatives to try!

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  • Jonathanfwade

    Okay, I am having a situation similar to the original posting. But the situation leading up to it is different. My rs300 sensor (BlasterX Senz3D) worked oddly but okay on my Ryzen 7 2700 processor computer with 32GB with the Intel SDK 2.0. Where I had problems with it was it sometimes didn't want to work with the Microsoft camera application on the Windows 10 version 2004 machine, and sometimes it would/wouldn't work with the Windows Hello feature. However, it worked solidly with the Intel SDK 2.0 real sense viewer, etc.

    I had the sensor sitting on top of my monitor and I ended up moving the sensor a few inches to the right and it suddenly stopped working. After looking online I found that missing drivers can be an issue, so I checked the drivers and found the "virtual driver" was missing. However, it wasn't clear how moving the sensor would cause a driver to disappear. But computers being what they are, I then unloaded and reloaded drivers, unloaded and reloaded the SDK several times trying to get the driver to load, to no avail. In fact, I couldn't get any of the drivers to load. I decided that maybe in moving the sensor, I had damaged it somehow. As a last ditch effort, I replaced the usb cable and plugged the sensor into a powered 3.0 usb hub as the SDK gave me an error that I saw on this developer site indicated that the sensor is not getting enough power. Suddenly, the sensor is now working great with the Microsoft camera application and works great (better than ever) with the Windows Hello feature. However, now the SDK 2.0 can't find the rs300 unit. When I try to start the application, it doesn't see the rs300 at all and says 'please connect an intel realsense device' on the splash screen.

    In device manager can see 3 of the four drivers. The missing driver, like the original posting, is a Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera SR300 Virtual Driver (Intel). Under the imaging devices in device manager, I have the depth and rgb driver. Under the serial bus device I have the SR300 camera driver. I've tried the suggestion to use the posting to 'add legacy hardware' and i can find the virtual driver, and though I select it, it just won't stick in the device manager.

    I've ordered a new powered usb 3.0 pcie card for my computer, which will likely be able plug the unit back into my computer directly instead of through a hub. I guess I have two questions: 1) Is there a secret to making the SDK 2.0 'see' the camera if it s on a usb hub? 2) Is there a another way to get the 'virtual driver' to stick in the device manager once is is selected in the 'add legacy hardware' as described in this original posting?

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  • MartyG

    Hi Jonathanfwade  Moving the SR300 should not make any difference to whether it works or not.  It is true though that it is vulnerable to experiencing detection / connection issues related to stability of power on the USB port that a powered USB device such as a mains electricity powered hub can help with.

    The only three drivers that matter are the RGB, Depth and Virtual drivers.  These may be located in different places in the Device Manager depending on the particular PC.  The main places to look are under the Camera and the Imaging Devices sections of the Device Manager.  So if you have RGB and Depth under Imaging Devices, please check if you have a Camera category too and see if the Virtual Driver is under that.

    On some computers in the past, the Virtual Driver has disappeared and yet the camera kept working whilst on others the disappearance stopped the camera from working.  It sounds as though your camera is functioning.

    There is a known issue where the SR300 may not be detected if it is plugged into a hub when the computer is booting.  So it may be worth trying to boot without the camera plugged in and then insert it into the hub after boot is completed, if you have not done this already.


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