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Buying the D430 and D415 Depth Modules and Vision Processor



  • MartyG

    The minimum set of parts required are:

    -. The depth module board

    - Vision Processor D4 - available both as a completed board and as a D4 chip for integrators who want to build the D4 and its associated parts into their own board design.

    -. A bridge with two 50 pin connectors to connect the depth module board and D4 together.  This can be a flexible cable or a rigid board called an Interposer Board.  This board is available pre-made from suppliers including FRAMOS and Rutronik. 

    If you would like to create your own cable, the pin-out details are in the data sheet document for the 400 Series cameras. 

    FRAMOS and Rutronik also sell the cable pre-made in a range of sizes. 

    - (optional) RGB sensor.  The D415 depth module is the only one in the module range that has an integrated RGB sensor on the board so you do not have to buy it separately.  The RGB sensor in the D435 is not sold as a ready-made plug in part.  Though an integrator who was constructing their own design from individual parts said "From my understanding these are just standard MIPI CSI-2 camera modules (OV9821 and OV2740), so any modules with similar spec (MP/s, etc.) should work".

    -. Heatsink.  The data sheet document offers suggestions for a specification as guidance to create or purchase your own one.  The document also has specifications for a housing's transparent "cover material" to put in front of the imagers.

    If you have further questions about parts and integrating, I will be happy to try to answer them.  Good luck!

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  • Mau

    Thank you for your help and information.

    I was able to find the interposer cables at those sites, however, they only offer straight flex cables in a variety of lengths.

    While I could use them, the most efficient setup (space-wise) is the one Intel used where the D4 board and depth module are stacked back to back. This clever setup requires a diagonal bridge (HSF cable). 

    Does anyone know where to buy this exact same diagonal cable? 


    I have contacted both Rutonik, FRAMOS, and also COCOM Consumer Electronics which is the vendor identified in the RealSense Data Sheet.

    Will update when I hear back from them. In the meantime, if anyone has any info that can lead me in the right direction please reply. Thank you!

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  • MartyG

    I checked the most recent edition of the data sheet document for the RealSense 400 Series cameras (October 2019 at the time of writing this).  At the end of the section on the flexible interposer cable it provides contact details for the cable.  I have put them below.  It is a company in the United Kingdom.

    Custom flex interposer ordering logistics


    Janine Langdale


    (O) +44 (0) 1444 461620

    (M) +44 (0) 7905 692131


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