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PyRealsense2 library installation error in Jetson nano



  • MartyG

    Others have not been able to install Pyrealsense2 on Nano with pip either, unfortunately.  The advice for Nano is always to compile from source.  Advice for Nano from a RealSense support team member was to follow the instructions in the link below, and execute it in Python 3. 

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  • Durgaprasad

    Hello @MartyG


    Thank you for your quick response. From the link you have provided Building From Source is for ubuntu 16.04. Should I need to work with that version or can I have any other alternative for 18.04. If so can you please guide me through that.

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  • MartyG

    I researched the issue and couldn't find any indication that special instructions were needed for 18.04.

    An 18.04 user was given a list of steps to check through by a RealSense support team member and they confirmed that the process worked for them. 

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  • Durgaprasad


    I Have followed the steps in the attched link for build from source 

    I entered below steps from above link

    • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    • sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev

    next step is getting attached image error

    can you please guide me

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  • MartyG

    Were you in the Librealsense root directory when you did mkdir build and cd build please?

    cd librealsense
    mkdir build
    cd build


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  • Durgaprasad

    Hi @MartyG 

    Now the library is installed in Jetson nano

    If you know any opensource basic projects with intel realsense D400 series cameras, please share it to me, I want to learn more about the camera and I will use the cameras in my future projects also

    thank you for your response

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  • MartyG

    Though there are a lot of example programs in C++ language, I realised that you likely would prefer examples in Python.  A selection of Python examples with source code are available in the link below: 

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  • Ckamda

    Hey, I am having the same issue, I downloaded the whole librealsense-master package, and was in the folder, then I executed the instructions, but by the end of it all, I still couldn't access pyrealsense by calling it.

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  • MartyG

    Hi Ckamda  If you have a Jetson and are trying to install librealsense and the Python bindings, you may find the instructions in the link below useful.  They recently worked for a Jetson Nano user. 

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  • Ckamda

    I tried it, but I am still having some issues. I am not sure I am in the root folder. am I? please and thanks much for the prompt reply.

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  • Ckamda

    And I was wondering what and how to use the rsusb installation, tried googling it out, but didn't find much about it that I could use.

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  • MartyG

    Given that SDK 2.37.0 is a pre-release (not a stable final version), could you try downloading the zip for 2.36.0 and extracting the librealsense folder inside it please?  Then create and go to the build directory whilst in the librealsense folder with mkdir build && cd build and repeat the CMake instruction.  Thanks!

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  • Ckamda

    I did, but it didn't work still.

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  • MartyG

    The build seems to be breaking on CUDA support this time, saying that CMake version 3.8 or newer is required for building with CUDA.  Do you have a recent version of CUDA installed please?

    It may also be worth trying building without the BUILD_WITH_CUDA statement to confirm whether CUDA is the sole cause of the build breaking.

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  • Ckamda

    I tried without cuda but it didn't work

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  • MartyG

    It is not clear what is causing the build to fail.   You have an active internet connection when performing the build, right?

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  • MartyG

    Another thing you could try is to leave out -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=... as this statement is used for setting the path to look for Python on computers that have both Python 2.7 and Python 3 installed.

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  • Ckamda

    Good Morning MartyG, Thanks very much for the help.

    over the weekend, I tried that but it didn't work, but I was able to install and atleast import the library in python 2.7. but I couldn't successfully import it on python3. 

    even still after importing on python 2.7, it didn't recognize my D435i, and neither did intel realsense viewer.


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  • Ckamda

    I was able to install it following the instructions listed here:

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  • MartyG

    Great news - thanks very much for sharing what worked for you    :)

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