Intel Realsense D435i is detected but shows an error "no frames detected"
no frame received error occurs
Operating System- windows10
Sdk 2.0 and 64-bit processor
Can anyone help me fix this problem ?
Do you get any frames if you use 30 FPS instead of 15?
i try use 30 FPS,and it still shows an error "no frames detected"
Are you using the official short cable supplied with the camera or are you using your own longer USB cable please?
i using the official short cable supplied with the camera
In the Windows privacy settings, can you check please that permission for apps to access the camera is set to On. The link below explains how to do this check.
my permission for apps to access the camera is set to On,and also install ''Intel® RealSense™ D400 Series Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Driver for Windows® 10'',but shows an error "no frames detected"
You do not need to install the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) driver unless you plan to use the 400 Series camera with hardware that supports UWP, such as the Microsoft HoloLens headset.
Would it be possible please for you to update the graphics drivers on your computer to eliminate it as a possible cause, since the center windows on the Viewer use OpenGL graphics. This may cause problems if the graphics drivers on the computer are not up to date, since OpenGL support should be included within the graphics drivers.
hi MartyG
i update the graphics drivers on my computer,but it still have an error "no frames detected" -
Are you using a recent firmware driver in your camera, please? If you have not upgraded the firmware inside the camera recently (or since you purchased the camera), you can do so by going to the 'More' option at the top of the Viewer's options side-panel and selecting 'Install recommended firmware' from its drop-down menu. The Viewer can then install the recent firmware automatically - you do not need to provide a firmware driver file.
hi MartyG:
i selecting 'Install recommended firmware' ,it stall can't open yet.
hi MartyG:
Depth Quality Tool show as "no frames detected" ,i'm not sure it is normal.
The RealSense Viewer and the Depth Quality Tool share the same design components, so a problem that affects one program can affect the other. Just to confirm that the problem is with these particular programs and not your camera or USB, can you go to the following Windows folder please and launch the rs-capture program. If you can get a stream through this, it will tell us that it is the Viewer that is the problem.
C: > Program Files (x86) > Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 > Tools
hi MartyG:
i cannot get a stream through this,when i open rs-capture it only have an windows and no any response
It looks increasingly like a problem specifically related to OpenGL graphics support. Like the Viewer and the Depth Quality Tool, the rs-capture program uses OpenGL to generate the contents of the main window.
We can test the theory. In the same folder that rs-capture is in, there is a program that you can run called rs-hello-realsense. This is non-graphical and generates a live-updating text readout of distance as you move the camera around, so does not need OpenGL support. If this works then it would add evidence that your problem is related to OpenGL.
hi MartyG:
i open rs-hello-realsense and move camera ,but it nothing happen
should i open realsense-viewer or Depth Quality Tool same time?
but imu can show in realsense-viewer
hi MartyG:
and i check my opengl in my computer
No, you do not need to have any other programs open whilst rs-hello-realsense is running.
This is an unusual case. So depth streaming does not work at all in the RealSense Viewer, but IMU does.
Ok, next please run rs_multicam in the same folder. This displays a range of different streams depending on which camera model is attached. It works with a single camera too. This should show us all on one screen which streams will display and which won't.
hi MartyG:
i use intel i7-7700
hi MartyG:
i unplugging the keyboard USB ports ,and it sill don't show any stream
is sdk2.0 can run in computer have labview ?
because i run in the computer don't have labiew but it can run normal.
I have not had any past reports of LabVIEW causing problems with displaying camera streams in RealSense applications.
Do you have the RealSense LabVIEW compatibility wrapper installed on the PC that has problems?
I note that the LabVIEW wrapper instructions confirm support for D415 and D435 but do not confirm compatibility with D435i.
I am facing exatly the same error. could you please let me know if you were able to solve it?
Same issue of Viewer appears with D455 on Windows 10. Firmware version is for SDK: 2.50.
RealSense Viewer shows the following error in logs. 11:29:06 [Error] C:\jenkins_sys_rsbuild\workspace\LRS_windows_compile_pipeline\common\sw-update\http-downloader.cpp:143 - Download error from URL:, error info: Couldn't resolve proxy name
Where can I paste this json file, so it will not send request through proxy. Maybe it is dedicated to the viewer problem?
Actually the video can be shown through the default windows camera player, but it does not play even RGB in the RealSense Viewer.
Pyrealsense2 also cannot play video, it drops a timeout error.
Hi Ilya Nax Could you try running the Windows rs-capture.exe example program using the instructions in the link below please to see whether the RGB stream is provided in that application?
Thank you for your response. I`ve tried everything from this topic. Nothing works, including rs-capture, it just shows black screen, error in console and destroys window. It looks strange, because it worked yesterday with the same version of SDK and it works now on another notebook, but not on another PC. Nvidia drivers are up-to-date.
Ilya Nax If the SDK worked on the affected PC yesterday but not today, could you try installing SDK 2.50.0 again using the automated installer file in the 'Assets' list on the SDK Releases page.
If you previously installed 2.50.0 with this method then the new installation will overwrite the previous SDK installation. This can eliminate problems that may be being caused by damaged files / settings in the previous installation.
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