SR300 Eye Gaze Direction
Is SR300 capable of providing eye gaze direction?
Tracking of head turning via "landmark" points around the eyes was possible for SR300 with the old 2016 RealSense SDK for Windows, which is obsolete and no longer updated or supported.
If you wish to do eye tracking with the modern RealSense SDK 2.0 (librealsense), using it with OpenCV and the dlib face detection library may be an option, as librealsense has a compatibility 'wrapper' for integration with OpenCV:.
Here is an example of OpenCV and dlib being used together:
Please google for opencv eye gaze to research other ways of implementing eye tracking with OpenCV.
Software called GazeSense by Eyeware can provide eye and gaze tracking for the modern RealSense 400 Series cameras.
Thank you so much for the useful links.
I did the eye tracking explained here with the digital stream of SR300.
But the thing is that I want to do the eye tracking on infrared stream of SR300. Now I have infrared output/stream of SR300 and eye tracking code working separately. There is a way; record and save a video stream output of SR300 and apply eye tracking code on it, but I want to do real time eye tracking on infrared stream.
Would you please help me how to do so?
Thank you
The link below has a research paper that describes gaze tracking with RealSense infrared. A camera model is not given but the paper's date of 2015 and the mention of it being an RGBD camera that is "newly announced" makes it highly likely that they are talking about the SR300's direct predecessor the F200 (the SR300 was not released until early 2016). The F200 and SR300 are very similar, so the paper's findings should be applicable to SR300.
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