Fingers Tracking in the latest SDK ― where can I find it?
I am a little confused about whether the latest SDK has any tracking/recognition abilities for the joints of the hand (specific fingers, finger joints / directions and so on). Can you point me at the right documentation for it?
I have found partial references in something called the 2016 SDK, and not really anything more about this. Very grateful for anyone pointing me in the right direction or clarifying on this ...
Hi Matan The RealSense SDK 2.0 does not have any built-in support for finger tracking. The 2016 SDK for Windows supported it but that software (which is compatible with the SR300 camera but not modern models such as the 400 Series) is now obsolete and not supported or updated by Intel.
It is possible to use the RealSense 400 Series cameras to recognize joints. It is an advanced subject involving using multiple cameras to train a data-set before it can be used with a single camera. Intel produced a seminar on the subject that is published on YouTube.
Hi MartyG,
Thanks for your clear and full explanation, it really makes the current status clear and transparent!
Perhaps you could just only add a link to the up-to-date documentation of the SDK, as Google still brings up obsolete versions of it when searching. I'd be very thankful for this disambiguation, beyond the YouTube video which is a nice-to-have but also kind of obsolete (2018 .... things move fast in this area of machine learning).
Hi Matan A useful tip for getting search results that are relevant to the modern SDK is to have the word librealsense at the start of each search term. This ensures that the search focuses on the Librealsense GitHub forums, where the majority of help information about the current SDK can be found.
An excellent site for the current documentation if your interest is program scripting is an unofficial one that draws content directly from the official docs and arranges it into a user-friendly format that can be searched with menus at the top of the page.
Official documentation can be found at these links:
The old 2016 documentation used to have individual versions for particular SDK versions, but the current SDK's documentation does not. The same documentation gets updated over time. So yes, the above links should remain relevant as new SDK versions are released, because the documentation updates as changes are made to the SDK.
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