Windows Hello works, Hand Cursor tools too but not the Camera Explorer (SDK 1.0 R3)
i'm facing an issue since i get this SR300 (Razer Stargazer) camera, last month.
I've searched on a lot of forums (including this one) with no success.
For information : i want to use a head tracking software which supports the SDK 1.0 R3
(so not the SDK 2.0)
Here's my issue :
The 4 devices was installed automatically by my Windows 10 (1909 - 18363.997) as explained here
1) Windows Hello works like a charm but not the Windows Camera which tell me that another application use it already => it is false because i've checked with a tool named ProcessExplorer (explained in another forum) and the green led was not switch on ! And yes ... in the Windows configuration the Camera access & application are activated.
2) The 4 Hand Cursor tools in SDK work very well too (my finger is tracked on the screen), but not the Camera Explorer, a sort of a health check of the SDK for streaming raw camera data (as explained in its description). It just displays "Please wait", and nothing happens !
(The Face Tracking and the Camera Viewer SDK tools do not display anything too)
I first try with the SDK 1.0 R2 and now with the R3, but the same issue explained above.
For the last one, i've just installed the core, cursor and face packages to test.
And I've not tried the SDK 2.0 as explained at the beginning.
Thanks in advance for your help
Hi L Cedric In the 2016 SDK, the Camera Explorer tool's main usefulness is in diagnosing a problem with the camera if it is not working (e.g the camera disconnects upon activation). If the camera is working fine then you are not missing out on anything if the tool does not run, since the various types of example program acts as proof of correct functioning .
It is possible that the Camera Explorer tool has developed incompatibilities with modern Windows versions in the years since updates by Intel on that SDK ceased. The Depth Camera Manage (DCM) installer program is another example of a program that is known to have incompatibility with modern Windows on some machines.
Hi MartyG, and thank you for your quick answer.
- As i understood, the DCM installer is the same for the both SDK 1.0 & SDK 2.0 ? (Perhaps i'm wrong).
- So it implies some SDK 2.0 functionalities do not work well too ? (Remark : SR300 is said supported too for this SDK 2.0)
And so ok for the Camera Explorer but what about :
- Windows Camera application ?
- Face tracking tools (SDK) ?
- Even the Raw Data tools (SDK) do not work ?
And what does it means for my use case = I wish to use a software interfaced with the SDK 1.0 R3, which uses the face (head) tracking functionalities.
- This can't work anymore ?
In 2017 Intel introduced plug and play installation of the SR300 drivers, so that simply plugging the camera in on an internet connected computer would automatically download and install the drivers over the internet. The DCM, when it works, is still useful though for offline driver installation and for legacy programs from the 2016 era that may look for it.. The modern SDK 2.0 does not require the DCM.
Yes, SDK 2.0 supports the SR300 and SR305 models thanks to the drivers being able to auto-install over the internet..
Windows Camera might be able to detect the SR300 as an RGB webcam but cannot access any of the RealSense functions such as depth and infrared streams. this is because it is not a RealSense tool.
Face tracking should work if you have the optional R3 face module installed. My personal recommendation though is to use the R2 SDK if possible. It is pretty much the same SDK but install everything in a single 1.8 gb package instead of splitting the features into core (Essentials) and optional modules. R2 is also more stable for some face features such as facial recognition databases.
There is a correct order of installation with R3 - install the drivers first, then the Essentials module, and then lastly the optional modules.
Unless you can maintain a computer installation that is frozen in time and never updates, the 2016 SDK is likely to work less and less well as time goes by and increasingly newer Windows versions are released. It may be better to move on to SDK 2.0 and access face tracking features using face tracking scripts in computer vision software such as OpenCV in conjunction with SDK 2.0.
Thanks for the OpenCV tips ... but it implies a rework of the head tracking software which use it :-(
I've done some other tests : Hand tracking package tools work well too. So to sum up if i well understood ... (?) :
- SR300 is a supported Intel device in the last supported SDK 2.0 ... but it may break Windows Hello (supported Microsoft application). Is it a joke ?
- I know that the Windows Camera application is just for a simple Webcam, but what supprising me is that the SR300 could not work as a simple Webcam. Another joke ... ?
- For the old SDK 1.0 (R2 or R3) : Hand Cursor and Hand tracking tools work well but neither the Face Traking tools, nor Raw Streams tools work. And unfurtunatly the Face Tracking package disapears from the new SDK 2.0 ...
Is there some logs to see why the Face Traking tools is break in the SDK 1.0 ?
1. It is difficult for Intel to correct a problem in RealSense cameras that is being caused by something in the Windows operating system..
2. SR300 should be able to function as a webcam in video-using applications such as Skype.
3. It has been a few years since updates on the original Windows SDK ceased. In that era there were three SDKs operating at the same time (the Windows SDK, Librealsense 1.0 and the Intel RealSense SDK For Linux, a special SDK for the ZR300 stereo camera model).
For SDK 2.0, Intel focused on a single SDK to make development and updates faster and more efficient. It was necessary to leave the old SDKs behind though. So whilst the mentioned functions of the Windows SDK all definitely worked a few years ago, that old SDK is likely to increasingly break down in modern Windows versions.
The Windows SDK of that era is also closed-source, unlike the current open-source SDK 2.0, so there are no changes that a user could make to the SDK's internal code to correct a problem.
If you wish to do logging with SDK R3 though, its SDK Tools diagnostic suite does have a Logging Control function though.
Edit: the link seems to have launch problems, so please copy and paste it into your browser.
1. I have an old Intel CPU (i5 7500 => launch date Q1 2017) and (by luck :-) ) it still works well ... Microsoft and Intel do not talk together anymore for the Realsense devices ?
2. I've just tried with "Skype Entreprise 2016" and the last version of Free Skype => They both do not work (black or green screen depend on which of the drivers selected) ...
3. Ok, closed sources is bad, but was made ... So, if Intel and Microsoft refused to talk a little, it could be a big rework (or a "6 feet under") for the old applications which use it ...
I've done a last try : i've remove everything, rebooted and let Windows 10 installed the whole (including the DCM !) ...
The result is ... exactly the same as the whole tries above.
(Didn't yet take a look at the logging control tools you mentioned)
I've just tries the logging feature (just in INFO mode) :
- I've cleared all logs and tried "Windows Hello" which works well => if you want the logs, just ask me (i'll put them in my OneDrive)
- I've cleared all logs and tried Skype and select in it the "Intel(R) Realsense(TM) Camera SR300 RGB" device and the isourceproviderSR300.log is full with this :
2020-09-03 19:43:31,184 rssdk.APPLoggerSR300 (T-441190) RsCompositeDeivce.cpp: 994 map<enum Intel::RealSense::Capture::StreamType,class std::vector<struct Intel::RealSense::Capture::Device::StreamProfile,class std::allocator<struct Intel::RealSense::Capture::Device::StreamProfile> >,struct std::less<enum Intel::RealSense::Capture::StreamType>,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<enum Intel::RealSense::Capture::StreamType const ,class std::vector<struct Intel::RealSense::Capture::Device::StreamProfile,class std::allocator<struct Intel::RealSense::Capture::Device::StreamProfile> > > > > __cdecl
RealSenseCam::RsCompositeDeivce::GetAllAvailableProfiles INFO - Ignoring invalid/unsupported profile: BGR 320x180x60 for stream type : Color
Do you know what does it means ?
It is not practical to maintain support for the 2016 SDK. Intel are committed to a single open source SDK that is based on the librealsense software architecture (which is completely different to the architecture of the.2016 Windows SDK).
There is no information available on the log error that you experienced, and no technical support that can be provided by Intel for the 2016 SDK software, unfortunately as it is an "end of life" SDK.
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