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Ubuntu Compatibility



  • MartyG

    Hi Dserbes1  The librealsense1 SDK (now known as Legacy Librealsense) is compatible with F200 and Ubuntu. 


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  • Yonatan Sy

    Dserbes1 Did you get to install it? I currently got my F200 back, and I  want to install it on my ubuntu 20.04, and I don't see how. Do you have any advice?

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  • MartyG

    Hi Yonatan Sy  If you were using RealSense SDK 2.0 (which is incompatible with F200) I would suggest using an installation process called RSUSB backend, which was known before that as libuvc backend.  It is not dependent on the Linux kernel and so is useful for situations where the normal installation methods will not work with a particular Linux version or kernel version.

    Legacy Librealsense (1.12.1) had its own version of the libuvc backend installation method.  Since 1.12.1 supported Ubuntu 16.04, I would speculate that using libuvc backend to bypass the kernel would be the best chance of using the legacy SDK with Ubuntu 20.04.  I am not aware of anyone who has actually tried to use Legacy Librealsense with 20.04, so cannot provide guarantees of success. 

    Documentation for the legacy-era libuvc backend can be found in the link below.

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  • MartyG

    If you are installing on a computer with an Arm processor, the Maghoumi GitHub that hosts the libuvc instructions above also hosts a fork of Legacy Librealsense with added Arm support.

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