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rs300 Drivers loaded but at the wrong place in Windows 10


1 comment

  • MartyG

    Hi @Jonathanfwade. The location of the drivers in the Device Manager is not an indication of a problem.  The three SR300 drivers (RGB, Depth and Virtual) may be placed by Windows all under one category or be divided between Cameras and Imaging Devices.  It does not affect the operation of the camera.

    As you only mentioned the RGB and Depth drivers though, I wonder whether the Virtual driver may be missing.  This may stop the camera from working as a RealSense camera but still allow it to operate as an ordinary video webcam.  Can you confirm please whether the Virtual driver is under Cameras or Imaging Devices please?

    If you cannot find a Virtual driver, there is a driver re-installation method that requires an internet connection.   Right-click on the SR300 Depth and RGB drivers and on each one, select Uninstall to remove it.

    When both drivers are removed from the Device Manager, unplug the camera from the USB 3 port, wait a couple of seconds and plug the camera back in.  Windows Update should automatically download and install the SR300 drivers, and hopefully this will result in the Virtual Driver being restored too.

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