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Does Intel RealSense DIM Weight Software work with C#



  • Aznie Syaarriehaah

    Hi Suleman,

    The DIM Weight Software SDK is based on C++ so if you want to use it with a C# program you will have to write a wrapper for it.

    However, the L515 can be programmed using the Intel RealSense SDK 2.0, which comes with a C# wrapper. If you use the Intel RealSense SDK 2.0, you will have to develop your own measuring application. The SDK comes with a sample, rs-measure, that demonstrates basic measurement capabilities.

    Please have a look at the following link below to know more regarding DIM software. Download the datasheet and Sample code.



    Intel Customer Support

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  • Kds Leader

    Is there a reason why your are not releasing the wrapper you clearly have?

    I mean the application is made with Unity, so you either used GO,C# or javascript and i'm betting on C# here.

    I've looked into the rs-measure sample but it's in python and uses numpy.

    I'm not a math wizard so porting numpy to C#(yes there are some partial ports missing all kinds of needed classes) or getting a clear understanding of what is going on is quite difficult.

    I hardly know any C++ and seeing this used in Unity(which means there is a wrapper) without you being able to, is enormously frustrating.
    I tried writing a wrapper myself but without a clear knowledge about C++ this wasn't really a success running into memory access violations all over.

    In short terms it would be enormously helpfull to a lot of us if Intel would be so nice to release the wrapper they used in the unity application.


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