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D455 camera - not functioning



  • MartyG

    Hi Karthikeyan A  There is a currently a D455 case on the RealSense GitHub forum with the same errors that you are experiencing. 

    Given that more than one person is having this issue, I will consult with Intel and update you when I have information.  Thank you very much for your patience.

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  • Karthikeyan A

    Hi MartyG, Do you have an update? Kindly let me know if the product needs to be replaced for Hardware issue.

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  • MartyG

    Hi Karthikeyan A  I am just starting some testing to try to replicate your problem with my own D455.   I will update you again soon.   Thanks very much for your patience.

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  • MartyG

    Hi Karthikeyan A  I ran thorough tests but was unable to replicate the Exception was thrown when inspecting Raw RGB Camera errors that you experienced.

    I was able to generate Error during time_diff_keeper polling though if I started a depth stream and then pulled the USB cable out without stopping the stream first.   This could indicate that your errors are related to uncontrolled camera disconnections occurring.

    Are there any possibilities during your use of the camera when the USB cable might be pulled or jostled out of the USB port (such being mounted on as a mobile robot)?

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  • Karthikeyan A

    No MartyG, I have not mounted the device on any mobile robot. I am just evaluating the camera in office environment, the camera was stationary. So for the error you generated by pulling the USB cable out without stopping the stream. How did you solve this? If you could tell me the solution for that error, I will try the same in my side though the cause might be different.

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  • MartyG

    I performed further testing in Windows and found that if the camera was pulled out during streaming when using the standalone Intel.RealSense.Viewer.exe version of the Viewer (not the one installed by the SDK installer) then the Error during time_diff_keeper polling error almost never occurred despite many repeats of the pull-out test.

    You can test with the standalone Viewer in Windows by downloading it from the 'Assets' list at the bottom of each SDK version's details on the SDK Releases page. 

    This Viewer should be launched from the location that you download it to, not with the launcher icon on the Windows desktop.


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  • Karthikeyan A

    Hi MartyG, I have tried the option using the standalone viewer as you suggested. The camera is still not functioning. Attaching the log and screenshot of the errors.


    11:45:12 [Error] C:\jenkins_sys_rsbuild\workspace\LRS_windows_compile_pipeline\src\types.h:313 - hr returned: HResult 0x800703e3: "The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request."
    11:45:14 [Error] C:\jenkins_sys_rsbuild\workspace\LRS_windows_compile_pipeline\src\global_timestamp_reader.cpp:239 - Error during time_diff_keeper polling:
    hr returned: HResult 0x8007001f: "A device attached to the system is not functioning."
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  • MartyG

    We have not yet tested whether the USB cable has developed a problem.  As the problems occur on both Windows and Ubuntu and we have already tried updating the firmware, the other component that both computers have in common (other than the camera hardware itself) is the cable.  A faulty cable may allow the camera to be detected by Windows Device Manager or rs-enumerate-devices but not be able to cope once data starts getting continuously passed through it when streaming starts.

    Speaking of the Windows Device Manager, could you access it please and look for the RealSense drivers.  There should be two of them for a 400 Series camera, Depth and RGB.  They may be under the 'Cameras' or 'Imaging Devices' section.


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  • Karthikeyan A

    MartyG: I am using the standard cable that comes along with the product only. Even I have tried with a different cable. As you can see below, device is being listed.

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  • MartyG

    Thank you very much for checking the drivers.  Next, could you try performing a calibration of the camera on Windows by downloading and installing the Dynamic Calibrator software in the link below, please? 

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  • Karthikeyan A

    What is the need for calibration, while the camera itself is not streaming? I don't find the reason for this calibration.

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  • MartyG

    It is to eliminate the possibility that there is something in the current calibration of the sensors (such as a corrupted calibration table stored inside the camera) that is disrupting the camera's ability to stream.

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  • Karthikeyan A

    I don't have windows system currently. The documentation has instructions to install the tool on Ubuntu. Let me try and update.

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  • Karthikeyan A


    I installed the Dynamic calibrator in both my ubuntu PC 18.04 and windows 10 ,the application gets hanged, once I click the  start calibration button and the application is not streaming the frames on this device D455.
    To debug, I have a D415 camera working in good condition. With this dynamic calibration tool, I tested D415, it got streaming the frames with no issues.
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  • MartyG

    Installing the Dynamic Calibrator software will also have installed a program called CustomRW.  Please input the instruction below into the Windows Command Prompt or your Linux terminal to perform a Gold Reset of the camera to its factory-new configuration:

    Intel.RealSense.CustomRW -g

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  • Karthikeyan A

    I have done the Gold reset on Windows. But the camera issue is still there. The camera is not streaming in both realsense viewer and calibration tool.


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  • MartyG

    I reviewed your case again from the beginning to try to get new insights.  The summary of the situation seems to be:

    -  The D455 worked fine, until it suddenly didn't work.

    -  It is detectable by programs such as rs-enumerate-devices and CustomRW.

    -  The problems occur on both Windows and Ubuntu

    -  You tried changing the USB cable (putting the D415 cable on the D455?).

    -  D415 works fine, which would seem to rule out a problem with the USB ports.  Presumably the D415 is also running the same firmware version as the D455?


    My next question would be: does the D415 still work if the D455's USB cable is used on it?

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  • Karthikeyan A

    Yes Marty, D415 still works with the D455 cable. One thing to clarify, I have not upgraded the D415 firmware, the current version used in D415 is

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  • MartyG

    Ok, thank you very much.  You should not downgrade the D455's firmware to match, as using a firmware in the D455 that is earlier than the most recent ones that introduced D455 support could break the camera's functioning.

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  • MartyG

    Could you try your D455 with the rs-capture sample program please?  This should display depth, RGB and IMU stream panels in a single window.  You can find a pre-made version of this program in Windows that you can launch with a double-leftclick by right-clicking on the RealSense Viewer shortcut icon on the desktop and selecting Open file location from the drop-down menu to open the Tools folder that contains the pre-made executable versions of sample programs.


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  • Karthikeyan A
    $ rs-capture

    11/11 11:01:45,434 ERROR [139716578858752] (global_timestamp_reader.cpp:208) Error during time_diff_keeper polling: get_xu(ctrl=1) failed! Last Error: Success
    RealSense error calling rs2_pipeline_wait_for_frames(pipe:0x561c4eb3bab0):
    Frame didn't arrive within 15000
    I have tested almost all the applications Marty. All the applications involving streaming getting hanged.
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  • MartyG

    I will refer it back to Intel again to take another look at it as a follow-up to my earlier discussion with them.

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  • Karthikeyan A

    Is there any update? If this is a Hardware issue, how to make a replacement request?

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  • MartyG

    Do you experience different results if you update SDK 2.38.1 to 2.39.0 please?   You can test this quickly on Windows by using the installer file in the Assets file list. 

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  • Karthikeyan A

    As per your earlier comment (, I have tried the standalone viewer from v2.39.0 and seen the issue was there.

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  • MartyG

    I ran some further tests.  On one of my Windows laptops I was able to generate the Exception was thrown when inspecting raw RGB Camera property error when launching the Viewer without a camera plugged in.  This message did not occur on my other Windows laptop though. 

    This supports the assertion mentioned earlier in this discussion that on some computers with an attached or built-in non RealSense camera such as a USB or laptop screen webcam, this error may ocur without having any relation to a RealSense camera that is being used on the affected computer.

    On the affected computer, inserting a D455 camera then caused a pop-up error box with the message Invalid value in rs2_get_option ... option: Emitter On Off): hwon command failed (response -21= No data to return).  Performing a hardware reset of the camera caused the same errior pop-up to occur each time.  This occurred when installing the full SDK of both 2.38.1 and 2.39.0.

    I went to the Cameras section of the Windows device manager and disabled the built-in UVC webcam of the laptop and launched the Viewer again. 

    The Exception was thrown when inspecting raw RGB Camera property error and the Invalid value in rs2_get_option error no longer occurred, verifying that the errors were caused by a non-RealSense camera on the system being detected.  They returned when the built-in webcam was re-enabled in the device manager.

    On your Windows computer, can you open the Cameras section of the device manager whilst the D455 is unplugged and confirm that there is not any cameras listed there, please?

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  • MartyG

    If the above information does not resolve your problem, can you create a new question on this forum and ask within it about the next step please?  This will give the opportunity for another RealSense team member with a fresh perspective to look at your case.  Thanks very much!

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  • 3049137436

    Hi Karthikeyan A,After a lapse of two years, I encountered a situation similar to yours in the process of using sr300. That is, the device manager shows the sr300 device, but it cannot be used normally. I have tried many ways to solve the problem, including the way in your communication with Mr. MartyG above, but I can't solve the problem successfully. So I took an unexplainable method, which is to uninstall the sr300 universal bus in the device manager and the two related devices in the camera. Then re-install automatically by scanning and detecting the hardware function. Successfully solved my problem. Hope this can help you too.

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  • MartyG

    Thanks so much for sharing the solution for your SR300 problem that worked for you!

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