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Running D455 for long time and looks not stable



  • MartyG

    Hi Yxliuwm  Is the temperature in the room or the temperature of the camera liable to change over the course of two hours?  The D455 camera model has a thermal compensation feature that can amend the depth value based on current temperature.



    You can test in the RealSense Viewer tool whether thermal compensation is responsible by going to the Stereo Module > Controls section of the Viewer's options side-panel and scrolling down to the 'Thermal Compensation' option, which has a drop-down menu beside it that is set to Enabled by default.  Use the drop-down to change the setting to Disabled and then start the depth stream.

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  • Yxliuwm

    The room temperature is stable. I do not know how the temperature change because  I did not touch the camera. Does the RealSense SDK has an API to monitor the camera temperature?

    My algorithm only relies on the left and right infrared images and I think the thermal compensation might not help.

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  • MartyG

    You can track the current internal temperature of the camera in the Stereo Module > Controls section of the RealSense Viewer by looking at the 'API Temperature' and 'Projector Temperature' readings.


    You can also retrieve these temperature values in the API with C++ or Python code.



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