How does rs2::pointcloud.calculate() work?
Hello Lblsydx A pointcloud is generated by a component of the RealSense SDK called the pointcloud processing block when the pc.calculate() instruction is used, although there is not a detailed description available regarding how this processing block. It is usually not necessary to know how it works because the calculations are performed automatically by the SDK when pointcloud generation with pc.calculate() is enabled.
你好@Lblsydx 当使用 pc.calculate() 指令时,点云由 RealSense SDK 的一个组件(称为点云处理块)生成,尽管没有关于该处理块如何操作的详细描述。通常不需要知道它是如何工作的,因为当启用使用 pc.calculate() 生成点云时,SDK 会自动执行计算。
I am not aware of a means of directly controlling the density of a pointcloud using librealsense SDK code. You may be able to affect it indirectly though by influencing the amount of detail on the depth image by setting a camera configuration preset such as 'Medium Density' or 'High Density' and setting Laser Power to its maximum value, or by changing the depth unit scale of the image.
我不知道使用 librealsense SDK 代码直接控制点云密度的方法。您可以通过设置相机配置预设(例如“中密度”或“高密度”)并将激光功率设置为最大值,或者通过更改图像的深度单位比例来影响深度图像上的细节数量,从而间接影响它。
This question is outside of my programming knowledge unfortunately but this may be a helpful reference:
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