help me fix SR300 drivers
help me fix my drivers, i have tried everything, uninstall, reinstall even reinstall the operation systems (windows 11) and nothing works, please help
Hi Emersongcardona I see that your Device Manager has the three required SR300 drivers (Depth, RGB, Virtual).
However, the SR300 camera model was retired a long time ago. If you are trying to use the camera with the RealSense SDK or the RealSense Viewer tool, you will need to install version 2.50.0 of them as that was the final version to support SR300.
hello MartyG thanks that works, but i am not sure if the camera is working properly, could you tell me witch is the later intel realsense depth camera manager that is compatible with the SR300 to install the drivers? i use to use the intel_rs_dcm_sr300_3.4.104.3435 but doesnt work anymore in this computer (in windows 10 i only ran this driver and camera used to worked fine)
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