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Intel Realsense DIM Weight Software and RealSenseActivationTool problem


1 comment

  • Aznie Syaarriehaah

    Hi Guopengzhen2015,
    The primary cause of most activation issues is that the user does not enter the same email they used for registering the Intel® RealSense™ DIM Weight Software before downloading it.
    When using the RealSense Activation Tool, be sure to Enter the exact email you used when registering for the software.
    Below are further tips to ensure a successful activation:

    1. It is best to plug in your Intel® RealSense™ LiDAR Camera L515 and allow the RealSense Activation Tool to detect the camera and automatically fill in the serial number.
    2. The serial number of your camera must begin with an "F."
    3. When entering information in fields, be sure to remove any leading or trailing spaces.
    4. Only one trial license key per user is allowed.

    And of course, be sure to read the Software Activation Tool user Guide_1.1.pdf that is included in the application's zip file.

    Intel RealSense Customer Support

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