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  • Official comment
    Rizvi, Sahira

    Hi Rakshith,

    I found this comparative study where they use ORB Slam 2 with the T265 with the following conclusion:


    "The Absolute Trajectory Error, the Relative Trajectory Error and the Euclidian Distance Error metrics were employed to benchmark the localization accuracy from ORB-SLAM2 and T265. The results show a competitive accuracy of both systems for a handheld camera in an indoor industrial environment with a better reliability with the T265 Tracking system." 

    I hope this is helpful.

    Best Regards,


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  • Rakshith Madhavan

    Hello Rizvi, Sahira, thanks for the link; It seems to be a study comparing ORB SLAM2 on the D435 with the performance of the T265, which is not quite what I wanted. I was looking to use the ORB SLAM2 on the T265 instead. 


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  • Rizvi, Sahira

    Hi Rakshith,

    Actually, ORB SLAM2 cannot be run in T265 since the T265 uses a proprietary built-in SLAM solution that cannot be changed. ORB SLAM 2 can be used with the D435 because the D435 does not have a built-in SLAM solution.

    I apologize for not informing you sooner. Please let me know if you have any further questions. 



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  • Fastermaster12

    Well that is wrong. The T265 outputs 2 raw fisheye images which can be piped to ORB_SLAM or OpenVSLAM for improved camera pose tracking. For example, openvslam_ros can output an odometry message which can then be used with rtabmap. You will need to do some work to create a camera calibration file and it doesn't look like anyone has actually done it yet.

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