What is the shutter speed of the realsense 435 camera?
We are looking to compare depth cameras based off shutter speed for high speed/movement applications. Can you link any documents that specify the shutter speed? Or let us know what the shutter speed for the 435 is?
Hi Alexis Winters,
The Intel RealSense Depth camera D435 is capable of capturing depth with a wide Field-of-View (FOV) of ~90x58 degrees at 90fps with a resolution of 848 x 480, producing up to 36.6 Million depth points per second. Check out these Whitepaper 'High-speed capture mode of Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435' for more details. Also, you can find more information from the datasheet: https://dev.intelrealsense.com/docs/intel-realsense-d400-series-product-family-datasheet
Intel RealSense Customer Support
Hi Aznie!
I guess I can infer an upper bound to the exposure time based on the 90 fps maximum. I'd really like to see a specific shutter speed spec in the datasheet though (which I cannot currently find, and this is different measurement than fps, even though fps does depend on shutter speed).
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