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how to unregister cubemos license, or change license to an other pc



  • MartyG

    Hi Suncongch  As Cubemos Skeleton Tracking SDK is not an Intel product, Cubemos support is the appropriate place to seek technical support for this product. 

    However, the user guide for the Skeleton Tracking SDK suggests in the information quoted below that you may be able to substitute a trial license key on your office PC for another license key (such as the one from your home PC).




    License File Error – Trial License Expired

    Error Message error: The provided license expired.  Please provide a valid license to continue using the cubemos Skeleton Tracking API.

    Possible Reason

    The trial license has expired.

    Remove the activation key file, activation_key.json, and replace the expired license (cubemos_license.json) in the config folder with a valid license file.  The license will be activated during the next use of the SDK.

    On Windows, the default location is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Cubemos\SkeletonTracking\license.

    On Linux it is ~/.cubemos/skeleton_tracking/license

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  • Missyvvvvv

    I also encountered the same problem, it seems out of the blue the Cubemos company is nowhere to be found, leaving users paid for the license not available to get any further support! 

    the user guide quoted by MartyG is only about dealing with trial license expired instead of how to shift a paid license to another machine, sadly.... quite disappointed at Intel's attitude and endorsement towards their irresponsible partner companies!

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